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11/08/08 10:56 PM

#21800 RE: enemem #21799

enemem - you sound as if you have concluded that if there are NOT at least 2 prospective partners interested in Ampakines for RD, and/or that Cortex is unlikely to get a decent RD deal in an acceptable time frame.


11/09/08 2:28 AM

#21801 RE: enemem #21799

I'm no Dr. Phil, nor have I stayed at a Holiday Inn express lately, but I've bartended for several years and have heard the world's problems through the eyes of the intoxicated. From doctors to ditch diggers, lawyers to loan sharks, I've just about heard it all. Most jargon consisting of whimsical nonsense, but I have also had the sparatic pleasure of receiving some fairly good advice and have made life long friends out of once perfect strangers. As a matter of fact, a CPA walked thru my doors one afternoon in 1996 and began talking with a local investment broker about a company soon to be advancing a drug which could possibly cure certain effects of Alzheimers. That company was Cor and I purchased 10,000 shares the following month on a hunch that the two fairly sharp dressed men knew what they were talking about. If I remember correctly, it was trading in the .50 cent range, about where it is now. I was lucky enough to see it run to the 8-9 dollar range and I made some money off of the old girl. It was off my radar for years. I randomly began watching it again about 4 years ago and when I saw the ADHD progression it seemed as if it was time to get back in. It's been in and out of my portfolio ever since and it brought me here to this board where I have learned a great deal.

Why do I mention all of this, well it seems as if you are having a bad day and I thought my ramblings may lighten the mood.

The excerpts you bring to attention are all very depressing but are probably unique and isolated cases. It appears to me, that the actions of these seemingly self righteous individuals appear to be more selfish than selfless. Our country is spoiled and needs to be humbled a bit. This economic turn will certainly do that. When times get tough, it's not time to murder your children, it's time to swallow your pride and get your damn hands dirty. Unemployment is increasing, yet I have constant problems filling low level positions within my companies. Jobs that were once considered acceptable and a decent means of making a living are now looked at as unsavory, beneath people, and left to the transient or lower class. Everyone wants to take the escalator to the top, noone wants to climb the stairs anymore. Don't get me wrong, I'm far from happy with my investments as of late and I've lost most of my life savings in Cor, but I could have just as easlily lost equally as much in a presumably safe mutual fund. It was a bad week for us, but the picture remains clear. Cor has what someone else should want. Unfortunatley we probably won't get the upfront cash it would have fetched months ago, but BP's are liquid, they are cash rich, and if this indication is as valuable as some say, Cor will have its day and get the cash it needs to advance this drug. The reset button has been hit on this country's financial system and it will take some time to gather momentum again, but it will. The growth economics built on smoke and mirrors within our financial systems are no more, victims were taken and will be taken again, this country will have to go back to sustaining growth from sound fundamentals. Cheer up, another year with this company should bring us more wisdom and hopefully with that more wealth.


11/09/08 7:23 AM

#21802 RE: enemem #21799

Enemem - I can understand your frustration however I tend to disagree with your conclusions, stated and implied.

At this time we have proof of concept in two areas - RD and ADHD - both at a statistically significant level with very small n. Both potential billion dollar markets that appear to be without competition (ADHD because it re-frames the market - a product without the stimulant effect). Both areas should be attractive to large and midsize BPs. All it takes is two parties with interest to bid to obtain a decent deal. At this time we have no idea what discussions, if any, are taking place but I am confident that management is well aware of the cash situation and will do whatever they can to obtain a deal good for the company.

I will be very surprised if we see a PIPE at the current share level. I did note that Neuro seems more cautious in his deal closing expectation for this year.

The next six months will be interesting!!


11/09/08 11:42 AM

#21806 RE: enemem #21799

Enemem, I figure Cortex has another 'cycle' left in it, thanks to the good RD results. But for investors, the timing is tricky due to the possibility of a near term PIPE (50/50 chance as per Neuro). On the bright side though, a PIPE could provide a low entry point for a trade (sub .50 cents) to play the subsequent RD deal.

So I see this as a short term trade, not a long term buy/hold. Like most bios, Cortex can be counted on to routinely plunge again, erasing all previous gains. As in the past, it will eventually just rip your heart out again, and do a 'Clockwork Orange' type tap dance on your face for good measure.

I figure there are much safer ways to double/triple your money in 2009, since so many other sectors have been totally flattened, and WILL eventually rebound. While small bios have also been flattened, there is no assurance that any particular one will rebound.


11/10/08 10:09 AM

#21821 RE: enemem #21799

I am guessing millions of people commit suicide each year, it's just usually tied to depression, religeous rage or insanity---With so much money lost in Real Estate and Equities, the Credit cycle-the Depression or Schizophenia has more octane and a logical catalyst-knowing these people killed their kids and wives is proof they were insane anyway, manically depressed.