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11/08/08 10:45 PM

#79876 RE: sam1933 #79866


Thanks for the link! That's a terrific article, which I think is very positive for DNAG. I'm sharing the article with some others, along with this comment, which I wrote:

Article about genetic ancestry testing, by DNAPrint Genomics, in these changing times.

The old taboo against acknowledging mixed ancestry appears to be disappearing, with more people now eager to learn about, and celebrate, their complex and often-mysterious heritage. This is a very positive development, both scientifically and socially, in my opinion. Increased knowledge and awareness, and more mature, tolerant attitudes, are very welcome changes, in my book.

Some truths are not merely "out there," but literally inside each of us. Let truth emerge.

I may not agree with Obama on every political point, (I lean more toward Classical Liberalism, or "Conservatism" in a secular sense,) but breaking this old taboo is a very positive development, that we can all celebrate.

Thanks again,

Daniel Gannon
Portland, Oregon, USA