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11/07/08 10:20 AM

#143841 RE: oilphant #143838

Those are sand sharks you are looking at. Perfectly harmless so don't worry! I doubt Bovel get the plank for making his first mistake! I just don't think he will be doing conferences until he takes some lessons first!


11/07/08 10:48 AM

#143848 RE: oilphant #143838

If there is no shortage of oil, why would anybody be out to "get" ERHE's oil rights. There's plenty without all the hassle. And, with $20 oil, no one would be wanting those rigs out there, so they will be sitting idle, and going for a song. Nothing here the sharks would want, with your scenario.


11/07/08 11:04 AM

#143850 RE: oilphant #143838 Here's some dots I put together on a view shared with another investor in regards to your recent rash of posts.


You (Oilphant) work for another company...probably Addax.

SEO has rejected several offers Addax has made to him.

You thought you (Addax) would sweeten the pot/offer just prior to drilling thinking SEO would bite the bait and all would be over.

Addax makes the offer (thus your comments of - ERHC won't be ERHC by the time the first drop of oil is discovered).

SEO thought he might even get an acceptable offer so he had ERHC management put out PR about being willing to entertain buyout offers.

Addax makes last minute (prior to ROO announcement) offer to Offor and he rejects same.

BTW...did I mention that Addax is likely shorting ERHC offshore? The purpose being to drive the sp down in an attempt to manipulate SEO to accept their deal.

In turn....SEO hastily puts together a presentation on Redchip specifically on a day when the theme is "naked shorting". Bovell mentions he believes ERHC is the victim of naked shorting and that they will be looking into that.

Bovell then throws out a counter offer in the RedChip presentation and for the first time EVER, shareholders hear a dollar number.

Bovell's comments and ERHC's slide presentation don't match. Did anyone notice that? Slides show drilling in early 09 and Bovell makes the comment to the affect "there may be something happening before the AA arrives but we're not holding our breath on that one."

More posturing IMHO. In other words ERHC is letting Addax know we're willing to wait for the AA....we know you've got a ROO and if you don't want to announce be it.

Bovell also states ERHC has an updated reserve report to tell folks what is down there and will probably release it before the end of the year.

Obviously Addax doesn't want it released before they do their thing (purchase ERHC) as it will drive the sp up higher than they would like. More posturing IMHO.

And Oilphant, in an angered fit because SEO didn't accept the offer......says ERHC was mismanaged. Didn't like SEO's not selling under $10 comment....didn't like the threat of putting out the reserve report....didn't like the stance ERHC took on "we're not holding our breath" regarding a rig.

The threat of ERHC's managment to move forward with stated business plans is another posture taken.

Seems there could be alot of posturing taken place.

I continue to enjoy posts. Keep em coming.

(Psst...ERHC has been talking acquisitions since 2005. Its in their filings).

Posturing....will SEO get his price? Are they close? Will the deal get done before drilling?


11/07/08 1:17 PM

#143909 RE: oilphant #143838

erhc has been surrounded by sharks since the 90's and Offor has never proven himself to be a remora!