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11/06/08 10:25 PM

#134143 RE: challo #134142

challo: The United Socialist States of America

Rename the old Beatles song to....Back in the USSA!



11/06/08 10:48 PM

#134146 RE: challo #134142

hey challo, this was out on the table before the election;
I remember hearing the rebuttal - just scare tactics;
some in the house have been discussing this for some time

if people are excited about higher taxes and redistribution,
I'm sure they will also love confiscation


11/06/08 10:52 PM

#134147 RE: challo #134142

challo: As communist countries embrace capitalism and as their citizenry reaps the rewards of capitalism, our country is racing towards what they are moving away from. As the incentive to work harder than the next guy to get ahead is removed from our society, with any luck in a few years, maybe we will all be standing in line at the grocery store wearing gray looking at empty shelves as were the Russians a few years back.

Instead of having the top 40% pulling the wagon with the bottom 60% hitching a ride, 90% will be in the wagon hitching a ride and the top 10% will be unable to pull it alone. The wagon will stop moving.

Eventually those in the wagon will cry out to their congress, "where are our entitlements, how did you idiots get us into such a mess"? But our citizens all too eager to live off the work of others and expect others to pay our country's bills, need only glance in the mirror to see the idiot.

What a country....sigh!