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11/05/08 9:29 AM

#133829 RE: TJ Parker #133824

O/T There are issues America is struggling with right now, and they are what's driving the elections.

a. Demographics are changing.
Whites made up 76% of the electorate this year versus
about 80% in 2000. Demographic trends suggest by the
year 2050 the white population will be less than 50%
of the US population. Driving white vote through fear
will likely be effective in only one more election, as
the numbers are going away from that tactic as it
pertains to the office of the President. By the year
2020 it will be a useless tactic.

b. Real Incomes have stagnated since 1999
Standards of living have stagnated and are falling all
across the USA. The promise of a better future for the
next generation is in doubt for many, and the struggle
to make that promise a reality is more challenging in
this dynamic new century.

c. People want to be inspired
During the Great Depression, FDR contiuously drove home
a sincere message of promise and hope. People who had
experienced despair needed something to inspire them
to persevere through the present. Many of the issues
and challenges facing the country have people despondent
and pessimistic. A great message that connects with
the average voter that is delievered with conviction,
passion, and a personal investment in the outcome seems
to be what is most effective in these challenging times.

As for the GOP, I think Newt Gingrich has a very good grasp of what needs to be done to get them back in the game, especially with fiscal responsibility. The party seems adrift and needs to find new leadership to position them for the next cycle. There are very smart people out there like George Will who can see what's transpired because they are on the outside looking in. There are going to be great opportunities and easy targets for the GOP if they go back to their roots of limited government and fiscal responsibility.

However, the fact is government has grown larger in all administrations in the past century, and it's an inertia that is difficult to change. If they could really cut back on the growth or reduce it, I think that would be a new type of revolution. Don't hold your breath waiting for that.

The GOP presidential candidate for 2012 is likely a current governor or a governor elect, as that is the path for success to the White House. I'd be interested in knowing who the potential candidate will be.

Look for a GOP governor who is tall, has hair (it could be a woman as well), smiles easily, has a record of success, and loves people. That's likely the 2012 GOP candidate for president, and they will likely win.


11/05/08 1:06 PM

#133893 RE: TJ Parker #133824


<...the party of Lincoln now wins only in the former confederate states.>
