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06/14/04 4:53 PM

#37963 RE: KeithDust2000 #37960


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06/14/04 5:05 PM

#37964 RE: KeithDust2000 #37960

AMD COMPLETES design on dual-Opteron

The PR piece says that design has been completed. Only Anandtech equates this with the start of the tape out process.

Does anyone know if these are necessarily sequential steps? Wouldn't tape out perhaps have already started? Isn't tapeout part of the design process? I mean Anand is showing pictures of what look like test parts already.

To my mind the design is the tough part, tapeout is surely a quick step once the design is complete. Testing and parameterization will be the lengthy jobs yet to be done.

Some informed clarification would be welcome.

If design is complete is the 2H05 timeframe paced by development or available fab capacity?
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06/14/04 5:17 PM

#37966 RE: KeithDust2000 #37960

Anand speculates on the number of pins for dual core based on configurations of the memory controller, but I recall Hector saying more than once that the dual core chips would fit existing boards?
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06/14/04 7:08 PM

#37988 RE: KeithDust2000 #37960

Keith, I haven't seen AMD announce a tape out since the Athlon. The timing is interesting, though. If they execute well, they may have a launch opportunity in late H1 2005. If they don't, we'll know. ;-)
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06/14/04 9:25 PM

#37999 RE: KeithDust2000 #37960

Keith - Great news! Wonder how far down it'll take AMD tomorrow?! :P
Nice to see some actual facts/images re: dual core. I added a link to the new roadmap to the Yahoo AMD/Intel links page.
Yahoo AMD/Intel links page:

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06/15/04 7:07 AM

#38021 RE: KeithDust2000 #37960

AMD roadmap - two interesting points. First, 100% of H205 server cpu's are dual-core. Hmm, the cheapest server cpu is $300 - will it be dual-core too?

Second, Barton is completely replaced with Paris. By my understanding this is either wrong or Paris is socket A.