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11/03/08 11:00 PM

#391500 RE: TopHat #391499 I'll save it for tomorrow. Have a good nights sleep.


11/04/08 10:08 AM

#391613 RE: TopHat #391499

The scenario you describe......" they are UNRIGHTEOUS, and will reap what they sow." may be fine for the afterlife, but that hasn't been my experience in this life. In the meantime, generations sometimes suffer waiting for justice. No thank you.

"But I am against legislation."

Of all kinds? You've got to be joking unless you believe in dictators or kings and even then there are rules.

Governments role should be to set the framework and then get out of the way.

There should be top and bottom limits.

Bottom limits, because if we aren't ready to let poor people starve in the streets, the taxpayer will fund what business should be taking care of. If you can't or won't pay people a living wage, you shouldn't be in business.

Top limits because after a certain amount of money is acquired, folks turn their attention to power and subverting the system. If you believe in a country for ALL the people, as the Constitution suggests, acquiring more money than you could possibly use in ten lifetimes is detrimental to the health of the society.

Now.....I've answered you point for point and all you've done is dance around mine. Please go back and reread the thread and give me a direct answer to my arguments. If not, have a good life.