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11/03/08 10:11 AM

#7408 RE: al44 #7407

Ugh! How much do I have to pay you to lie to me? At least I will have some hope.

This nation will make it. . .because we are reaching the point of "having to make it" after that idiot that has been ranting and raging in office with short man's syndrome gets out. Oh, he'll be fine in Texas. They are the ones that shot Kennedy. That's why I left that damned place. But, I did make some good friends in TX. So, perhaps they will rid the world of that scour when he goes back home. How did we get retards in office?

Okay, Mark #1 is going back to being the "scholastic achiever" from the past. I'm going to hide away and retreat to lies. Just kidding, Tod. Don't get nervous.

Anyway, you all have the newsletter. Forward it to your friends, family, and everyone else who you think might benefit from the material contained therein. It is what is in my mind to be perceived as, the honest to God truth. The Federal Govt. killed John F. Kennedy. There is enough information on those two videos alone, to prove that. The banks are running the world. Not the governments. Just a few select families and those associated with those families. I wouldn't doubt JFK Jr. was killed by the Govt and that bozo Ted Kennedy sat back and watched as his family was destroyed. . .just so he could sit in office. Watch your brother die, and continue working for the same outfit that killed him. Well, both brothers, that is. And of course. . .his nephew. Worthless spit, right? What about Caroline? Is she retarded? She hasn't spoke up on this issue? Or is she a "captive" of the system, as well?

What the fuck have we done with the United States? Shit, I had better stop writing for a day or two. Otherwise my hypothesis on Princess Diana will surface.

Actually, I'm not going to stop writing. This is still America, for a couple more hours, anyway.
