Hi Al,
I agree. I will also have the address to forward the next M&M Newsletter to The White House posted in the header. You see, you can see that, but few others can. My mission is to improve the "awareness" of others so they can also take a perspective of their own. I know, I need to do some work on my writing skills. My fingers sometimes just do things I cannot understand. But my mind usually never lets me down.
Forward this thread and the newsletter to all of your friends and also let them know what you just said. Those people who make the decisions in that article are only human beings, like you and I. We . . .have the right, to speak. If we don't, then we need a revolution. First, I need to get this "banking" thing clarified. The problem is, I'm afraid I have. Now it will take about a year to educate the public. For it is the educated mind. . .that never returns. . .to its' previous way of thought.