In 2007 the average price of an IPF system for HPC work was $8966 per processor. The typical Montecito SKU used for HPC work was the 9040, which Intel priced at $1980 in quantity 1000. That works out to be 22% of system price. SGI prices more aggressively than HP and also sells the 9050 SKU into HPC accounts so their fraction of selling price going to Intel would be higher.
no mention of Intel in those parts in the last 10K of SGI
Do you have a problem with reading comprehension?
Either way, HPC is a drop in the bucket compared to IPF commercial systems.
Since when is $1.2B out of $4.3B a drop in the bucket? Keep in mind when you blend high priced and low priced units by revenue average unit price is disproportionately influenced by sales of the low priced units.
Again your numbers and their interpretation is of very poor quality.