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10/28/08 11:16 PM

#205844 RE: Tadaaa #205843

Miracle Tom publicly says he will try to fix things... for longs...

Just PILE it up with the other INTRINSIC VALUE lies that Tom has stated in the past...


Other - Over the next several months, Seaway’s senior management team will be seeking to align itself with a financial party with a long-term investment horizon. To date, Seaway, through creative deal structuring and financings, has been able to establish itself as a significant entity with assets of over $32 million and expected 2008 revenues well in excess of $20 million. Notwithstanding the importance of these financings and deal structures in the creation and rapid development of the Company, the disparate nature and potential dilutive impact of certain of these financings is not desired by management and make it difficult to create lasting shareholder value for all shareholders. To this end, management is seeking to raise significant long term capital whereby certain proceeds would be used to at least partially recapitalize the company through the repayment or elimination of many of these instruments and to also fund Seaway’s core business growth. Although our ability to transact and timing of such a capital raise is uncertain, management is committed to pursuing it, and discussions with qualified parties are already underway.

Since that announcement.. here is Tom's INTRINSIC value add for his faithful shareholders...

10/7..O/S 732,051,636 .............Float ..720,542,234 ........... Restricted 11,509,402 ...............A/S... 10 Billion
10/9..O/S 748,915,722 .............Float ..737,406,320.............Restricted 11,509,402 .................A/S... 10 Billion
10/14.O/S 792,468,448 .............Float...780,959,046.............Restricted 11,509,402 .................A/S... 10 Billion
10/16.O/S 837,934,398..............Float...826,424,996.............Restricted 11,509,402 .................A/S... 10 Billion
10/17.O/S 853,744,710..............Float ..842,235,308.............Restricted 11,509,402..................A/S... 10 Billion
10/21.O/S 963,481,552..............Float...951,972,150.............Restricted 11,509,402..................A/S... 10 Billion
10/23.O/S 1,058,259,877............Float.. 1,046,750,475..........Restricted 11,509,402..................A/S.. 10 Billion
10/28.O/S 1,126,373,912............Float.. 1,114,864,510..........Restricted 11,509,402..................A/S.. 10 Billion

All posts are only my opinion and are not buy or sell recommendation.


10/29/08 2:49 AM

#205853 RE: Tadaaa #205843

one heck of a short...when that be the case ,,,
which is ASAP after Any future swyv Reverse-Split.

While the current swyv longs , will again be locked out
of selling anything , again , for another 2+ weeks.

And the Still-Waiting-On-Line Converters will again be able
to re-flood the Seaway , and crash the next new Reversed
sw-whatever price by another 90+% per week , until it sinks
back down to ~$0.0001 Again , After The Next Reverse-Split ;
No Matter How Large It Is [even 1-for-1000].

Assuming that :

1] Anyone keeps averaging-down ; and
2] Wells-Fargo re-delays foreclosure ; and
3] sw-whatever still somehow delays 'operational' BK ; and
4] it's maybe 'legal' to do 2 Reverse-Splits within 6 months.

extra , Sincerely .

P.S. ; Can anyone explain who is buying any Reversed swyv's ?
About 30 Million per DAY are being dumped at ~$0.0002 , for
a Total 'Investment' of ~$6,000 per DAY by some new buyers ,
and/or some old longs who are still averaging-down. And, all
of that new daily cash is going to Converters + Shorters ,
every trading day. [Maybe some goes to swyv , if the plan-man
has a 'sharing-arrangement' with the Converters , and they
let him dump in some of those newest 1 Billion 'Employee
Bonus Plan' common shares.] Anyway, as long as the longs keep
buying , the sellers will keep selling , until sw-whatever
files for BK. There's over 1 Quadrillion new swxx's on line.

P.S.S. ; If they don't All sell out before BK ; the biggest
$-bagholders [not counting the $40 Million Already unvested
by the commons] , will be the Waiting-On-Line-Converters ,
including the $12 Million 'owed' to CASH LENDERS [who never
are happy to lose , and never forget] ; And , the other
'friends + family' converters , who 'own' ~95+% of Seaway's
'assets' , [which are currently 'worth' ~MINUS $20 Million].

So ; the Seaway 'friends + family' , will never actually get
another micro-penny from their UNdilutable Cornvertible
Preferreds ; Unless they cornvince YA To Lose Money. That
hardly ever happens. But, let the games begin.

By the way ; If we were longs , who ever lost cash in this
Seaway ; we would get a lawyer to 'track' those 'unusual'
'politically approved' 'redevelopment funds' that 'financed'
the 'buying' + starting of 'wiseguys' , after the old failed
Ames went BK. It seems to 'tie in' Almost Everyone , who
eventually profited , while everyone else lost 99+% per year.