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10/28/08 11:41 PM

#7324 RE: al44 #7323

Well, yes. . .kind of. There are a few other things that will be building into it. I'd like to indict the Bush administration (all the way back to his grandfather) for the fraudulent abuse of the United States of America. With a lawsuit, for 700 billion dollars, which would all go back to the taxpayers (and feed the banks from the appropriate direction). Not a dime to me. Then the banks would get their money and fake press releases from the governtment would not need to be released. Oh boy. Them guys are in trouble.

The Govt. just pumped the market, again. They asked the banks to "loosen up their standards" for lending, based on the money they gave to the banks. Interesting, huh? If they had lent the money to the people . . .the people would have spent the money and it would have gone back to the banks. Guess what? Yupp. You got it. I've been screaming this for the past four weeks and have warned my family and friends for several years of what is going on. I'm not going to take it in my life. How about you?

I'll put it all in the next newsletter.



M&M Man~~ (The Sports Car of Guitars)
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