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10/28/08 12:22 PM

#172442 RE: BuzzOnDaBeach #172440

Foreigners as a hedge against their own currency losing value relative to the dollar. The yield is just a tiny bonus.

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10/28/08 12:30 PM

#172448 RE: BuzzOnDaBeach #172440

They might just sell those bonds on QVC, to trailer trashed rednecks living glorified on welfare.

Did you ever hear of sub-bonds! They part of the affirmative action fallout. Now that we have invented a new investment vehicle. We should make a killing. Sub-bonds which deflate after you buy them, but the buyer is not aware.

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10/28/08 1:53 PM

#172487 RE: BuzzOnDaBeach #172440

Haven't you heard of the new retirement plan in Congress. Investing in the stock market is too risky so they are going to end the 401K plan. Then they are going to force everyone to invest 5% of their salary in Treasuries.

The government will get more revenue because of the end of tax deductible contributions and because they are going to make it part of the social security program, if you die with a positive balance the government keeps the money instead of your heirs getting it like in a 401K.

The U.S. employee will keep the treasury market a float.

Of coarse we'll probably see Dow 3000 but I don't think they've thought of that.
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10/28/08 2:43 PM

#172491 RE: BuzzOnDaBeach #172440

China, Japan, OPEC countries,Soverign Wealth Funds, bond investors are all in line to buy our debt and bail out Trillions. Why? Because they have no choice. A death spiral deflationary depression is the alternative and a world without the Dollar as the reserve currency. They "pay tribute" to the lone super power. They finance our ability to "police" the world and act as the retail dumping ground for thier sweat shop junk. Hey, if this trend keeps up we can eliminate taxes and just sell debt for all our expenses. Oh Yeah!