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10/26/08 9:08 PM

#601740 RE: TJ Parker #601737

"the cost of prescription drugs has little to do with insuring the uninsurable and everything to do with lack of free market pricing in prescription drugs (prices are set by insurance). "

How can you blame free market pricing when the FDA is in full control of what can be sold in competition? Third-party pay by the government is a big reason why many drugs can be priced to a level where they simply would not be able to sell if consumers have to pay for it themselves. This higher price in turn makes the drug unaffordable to the average consumer . . . thereby politically "requiring" even more subsidy.

"well i learned it at yale and mit. i was appealing to the vulgar medium in case that was your only exposure to nash and his legacy. "

You are way too simplistic in constructing your nash equilibrium. You are ignoring the long-term consequence when a game is played repeatedly by the same players, especially when outside intervention can be counted on to the rescue . . . a common problem I noticed when I was taking an econometrics class at MIT.

"with fractional reserve lending, there can be a run on any bank and it will make it come tumbling down. that's the nature of the beast. you may disagree with the implemenation of that policy, but nevertheless it is a fact: your money just ain't there. "

So tell me again, why exactly should us and our great grand children be taxed in order to pay for the Maseratis of those fractional reserve bankers?

"so you want to be the only guy with a stash of treasury bills while the rest of the country wallows in 25% unemployment, economic stagnation, widows and orphans eating catfood in the gutter? is that really an option? i think not."

Absolutely not. If it were up to me, the Treasury Bills should be defaulted, so nobody will ever dare to lend to the government ever again. Sovereign debt is fraud. It is no different from if I took out a loan on your house, and you have no say in it, and we don't even know each other. High unemployment is the result of labor laws and regulations; if the labor price can freely fluctuate, the market should clear at some point, whatever it is. Sure, the nominal income may be lower, but the cost of living (i.e. hiring someone else to do things for your in return) would also be lower. Widows and orphans being reduced to eating catfood is usually the result of robbery by the government through hyperinflation (in order to bail out the fat cat fractinal reserve bankers driving Maseratis). Government can print money, but it can not print food.


10/26/08 9:46 PM

#601743 RE: TJ Parker #601737

tj, I will post you some articles about drug financing if you want to look at them. it will help to understand what the reality is.

as for uninusred in the ER, its another really big lie.
To understand it better, you have to look at the why it happens and what percentage of the er bills which the "uninsured " rack up are from emergency or non emergency stuff

as for getting the uninsured out of emergency rooms, simply change the laws that say emergency care must be provided for, which was instituted by court ruling fiat. Other wise you have to live with it one way or another. Because the "insurance" from Mcain or Obama is not going to cover it

Even if the uninsured go to ER's now, they are billed you know, its just impossible to collect. And every state I have ever lived in which includes quite a few always had free walk in clinics .

they just were not attended. there is usually no reason to go to the ER in the first place, if you availed yourself of what is provided, and you didnt need ER care really

Except for a big reason. most of the uninsured costs in ER's are from ER stuff: Every thursday, friday and saturday night in Bellvue in NY the knifings, gunshots wounds and beatings are brought in at a relentless pace. these are big ticket items which require surgery and prolonged convalesecence and a lot of intensive care. it costs a lot. One gun shot in an ER costs the same as 100 asthma patients . Its the same in every city hospital all over the usa.

Who pays for the auto accidents, the drug gangs, the rapes and homicides?


and 5000 dollars of health insurance isnt going to pay for it, since a single stay for an blunt head wound is going to be about 250K