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10/25/08 2:28 PM

#62971 RE: TJ Parker #62959

Excuse me but that was NOT the question

why is it OK for them to carry on with out sacrifice and its OK for US, the people to be asked to sacrifice. I dont give a rats ass about being competitive, HELL MAN< most of the politicians are successful or millionaires, and your trying to tell me they have to have a competitive salary. Baloney

they run for the power and the perks all IMHO

and you see the best hope for this in the MOST LIBERAL member of congress in its history, REALLY? Your kidding right? IF you were to ask a Democrat to REDUCE spending and/or reduce taxes they would fall over dead. That was a serious question from you wasnt it? Unbelievable !!!!

Joe Biden has a modest life style, according to who, you, me, who?

Maybe according to you, but its DAMN nice according to the majority of the rest of the country and for a man that could reasonably afford to give more out of his own pocket, he donates less than 5K to charity, and you see the best hope for him to be fair to US, the working public to take only what he feels is FAIR? YOUR KIDDING RIGHT???????

You cant, you just cant as a reasonable fair thinking person believe that clap trap can you???? Your asking a DEMOCRATIC politician, RICH politician who is as stingy as they come probably more so than 1/2 of the country and you feel we have the BEST chance with THAT? You feel he will treat OUR money like he treats HIS money???? Is that what your saying, he will be as frugal and stingy w/ OUR money as he is with his??? I am amazed at that type of thinking.....

COME on TJ, to quote John McEnroe