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10/25/08 3:55 AM

#1470 RE: twk000jester #1467

TAC filed for Chapter 11 and was approved, those two subsidiaries were considered NON-DEBTORS, not part of bankruptcy filing

did they eventually add them on the filing?

how did TAC end up with those two subsidiaries?

what I wish to see is the reunion of the three major subsidiaries and use the NOLs under Trenwick Group

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [people] to do nothing." --Edmund Burke

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10/25/08 4:39 AM

#1472 RE: twk000jester #1467

do you have these records in your discussion group?-->>

I was wondering if their runoffs were completed successfully.

4. reports summarizing the status of the run-off of the insurance business of the Company’s subsidiaries, The Insurance Corporation of New York and Trenwick America Reinsurance Corporation, as of December 31, 2007
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10/25/08 4:45 AM

#1473 RE: twk000jester #1467

Trenwick America Re completed their runoff in 2007....

Thomas Norsworthy has been actively involved in designing the run-off plan of the Kemper Insurance Companies and in managing the recently completed run-off plan for Trenwick America Reinsurance Company. During the period covered by the run-off plan (December 2004 through December 2007), Thomas served as CEO of Trenwick America Re and its subsidiary, The Insurance Corporation of New York.

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10/27/08 3:06 AM

#1507 RE: twk000jester #1467

TAC List of Non-Bankrupt Subsidiaries as of Oct2005....

Trenwick America Corp
List of Non-Debtor Entities

Trenwick America Reinsurance Corporation
The Insurance Corporation of New York

Chartwell Advisors Limited
Canterbury Financial Group Inc.
Trenwick America Services Corporation

so those two weren't protected by bankruptcy nor under liquidation?

I think I did see something about having $400M in reserves for the one connected with Chubb...not sure

there's evidence that both subs have completed their successful runoffs too in 2007--both handled by Kenning Financial

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [people] to do nothing." --Edmund Burke