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TJ Parker

10/25/08 12:14 AM

#62931 RE: Hook Line N Sinker #62926

"As of November 5, 2008, when President Obama is officially elected into office, our company will instill a few new policies which are in keeping with his new, inspiring issues of change and fairness"

you obama fear-mongers are really funny. i betcha that i'm the only one on this board that has a salary that makes him subject to obama's proposed tax increase. and yet i seem to be the only one here to support him as well.

odd how the powers that be have effectively brainwashed folks into voting against their own self-interest.

oh, and i don't have a problem with paying more in taxes - president cheney has been overly good to me over the last years - and i *do* see that as something done in my self-interest.

so ya think after all those folks "clean out their desks", a president palin would send them off to eat mud at the curbside? hmm, well after katrina, i wouldn't even be surprised by a "yes" answer to that question. but watch out for that payroll tax to support ms. palin's clothing addiction and personal make-up artist!
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10/25/08 7:18 AM

#62936 RE: Hook Line N Sinker #62926


We are already there, with the banks and soon all the insurance companies. Instead of getting rid of the people that got us here, they just super empowered them one more time..... Ben, Dem..... endorsed NObama for job security, Greenspan, puppet exposed.... empty suits needed to be dealt with...... funny how some of the posters are for more of the same..... goes to show you, the sheep are dumb and will put perception over substance everytime..... The world markets are dumping their stocks right now with the thought of NObama getting into office...... Of course any negative stuff will be blamed on Bush and the sheep follow shakening their head in agreement..... I think that with the limit down yesterday, the government came in an did something...welcome to the new free market system.....

Buy 'em when they are crying, sell them when they are yellin'
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John French

10/25/08 9:45 AM

#62942 RE: Hook Line N Sinker #62926

Sorry which candidate exactly went free market on his funding and which one took PUBLIC money? Further to that thesis which candidate then (because there wasn't enough PUBLIC money) has been implying the other one is cheating because he resorted to the FREE market?

As always the proof of the pudding is in the eating.