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10/24/08 6:57 PM

#7224 RE: al44 #7221

Oh just wait, Al. More good news coming shortly. And by the way, thank you to everyone who forwards the M&M Newsletter to the White House and their senators and representatives. Perhaps they will get off of their asses and do something.

I have over three years of documentation on this thread alone that will put Washington in violation of the Constitution of the United States of America. That doesn't include the information linking to the banks. Just wait until I hit healthcare.

We deserve better. Washington D.C. had better get it together. The people are tired, beaten, and do not deserve what is happening. And those fruitcakes on Wall Street and in the White House better be ready for us to speak. We can still do that, can't we?


M&M Man~~ (The Sports Car of Guitars)
Certified Investor Relations Representative