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10/24/08 6:02 PM

#69708 RE: ThePennyGuru #69707

ThePennyGuru -- the 'source' you cite (WorldNutDaily, which in turn cites PowerLies) doesn't say a thing about any 'National Socialist Party' -- National Socialism is Fascism (most notably the Nazis) -- which is what your guys represent --

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10/24/08 6:02 PM

#69709 RE: ThePennyGuru #69707

how timely for that article to be written to coincide with the republican talking points about socialism...i know the base of the republican party eats that garbage up like a casserole at a church banquet, but the majority of people can see through the propaganda... shame on you... if you cant win on policy and general appeal, scare the base and whoever you can get to fall in line... what does that say about the meat of the republican says its rotten. and then the republican base wonders why so many people dont respect them....

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10/24/08 6:37 PM

#69711 RE: ThePennyGuru #69707

Shame on you PG! You are using codewords, telling mis-truths, and outright lies; all in an effort to further fracture our already divided society in the belief it will help revive your candidate's tired campaign and failed policies.

Country First my ASS. It is ALL and ONLY about POWER with you wing nuts. You have been perpetrating this type of hate mongering and spreading lies full time since the election of Clinton. You should be ashamed of the blight and suffering your President Bush has imposed on this Country and the World, and you should be admonished for not taking responsibility for electing this totally incompetent fool and failure.

Later and Best, bulldzr

"So often times it happens...
that we live our life in chains and we never even know we have the key."
The Eagles