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Joe Stocks

06/10/04 9:23 PM

#256277 RE: TJ Parker #256241

I agree with Russell. I think deflation is a bigger problem than inflation ahead. The more Greenspan tries to push up inflation, the better chances of deflation.

HARRY DENT had a very interesting definition for INFLATION. It went like this; "I simply define INFLATION as the economy's means of financing a period of high investment. In other words, INFLATION occurs in our economy in a period in which there is a high requirement for investment and low productivity or savings and profits to finance it. The economy simply borrows from itself or its own consumers by raising the prices of good and services."

I don't see that period of high investment ahead. With growth in China and india, we could see inflation in consumable goods but deflation in longer term assets and services.

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06/11/04 10:31 AM

#256324 RE: TJ Parker #256241

This is a long piece by Russell, I counted at least 5 Bottom lines, but this one stood out the most;
"Your biggest position should be in US dollars now, with gold basically owned for insurance purposes. In the end, if we do get "out-of-control" deflation the very validity of the dollar and all paper money may come into question, at which point gold would be the only place to be."

If this guy really believes this, than he is simply not worth reading anymore. The obvious contradiction which negates his surmise is this;

Gold as it is today; can not be considered as a replacement for dollars based on the fact of Supply and demand. Gold has many uses but this persistant belief it can function as a replacement or offset to currency, is ludicrus.

To illustrate this fact just know this; The GE corporations total transactions over the course of a single 18 month period are larger than the entire Gold market.

If you do not understand what this fact means, try, try, try, again. You need to Reboot.