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John French

10/12/08 11:55 AM

#61812 RE: TJ Parker #61806

Most people work in factories, construction, shops and suchlike don't they? I don't see how that's Middle Class.

Now I certainly don't consider myself better than anyone else just because I earn more money than some or because of what I do for a crust but if a guy on the shop floor at GM is Middle Class then from a socio-economic perspective I would have to be considered Upper Class (which is nonsense). Following that thesis to it's logical conclusion what does that make Donald Trump? God (with a bad hair do)?

Odd couple yes you are right.

John French

10/12/08 12:02 PM

#61813 RE: TJ Parker #61806

BTW I am English, supposedly the home of Class Distinction. I now live in Connecticut which has Westport at one extreme and hundreds of hispanics hanging around off-ramps of I-95 and outside DIY stores looking for work at the other.

In my local supermarket (Wild Oats of course) I get looked down at because I dress in a check shirt, jeans and a singlet. My 98 Camry doesn't win me many votes in the popularity stakes either. Am I to presume this is not class-related prejudice? Personally I couldn't care less if someone wants to waste their time thinking about what I wear or drive but to say that there is no class system in the US is simply not true (not sure if you were saying that though!). It's just the same as everywhere else. The more money and power you have, the higher up a fairly well defined social scale you are.

Now I'll shut up. I'm here to try and help my trading not to end up getting on a social or political soapbox. Sorry this (and the last post) was way off topic.

Most important thing right now is to be properly positioned come Monday (and thereafter)!