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Replies to #1198 on Fiends Charts


10/17/08 4:16 PM

#1199 RE: starboy #1198

The USD was up and SLV was down today but if you look at those charts I sent you you'll see that slv had a spinning top doji today...opening and closing at almost the exact same price and the USD is getting close to being overbought again and didn't yet crack to a new high.

There's a good chance for a small reversal to start in the next session or two.

Just thought I'd mention it in case you hadn't noticed yet.


10/23/08 9:43 AM

#1202 RE: starboy #1198

The answer to a good way to stock up on foodstuffs for long term storage is to buy the Nutrisystems monthly food deliveries.

For less than $3 bucks a meal you get a wide variety of long term storage packaged foods DELIVERED to your house.

It provides a well-balanced diet to boot.

I know it sounds kind of weird but wifey got it once on a trial basis and it was not only pretty good stuff, but it was easy to get into and out of the program, it's cheap, it's pre-packaged for emergency storage, it's well balanced. Takes all the guess work out of building a stock for emergencies of any kind.

As for the stock, it's the same answer...NTRI even pays a divy! Now at over 6% and judging by last nights earnings report and guidance it'll be going lower, making the divy higher...which they DID STATE THAT THEY WOULD CONTINUE PAYING by the way.

Also,...saw a 22 yr chart yesterday presented by a professional technician that indicated a MAJOR technical reversal in the dollar is indicated to come within 1-2 weeks from right now.

This could be the catalyst to begin the big trek upwards for silver that we've been waiting for.

This of course bodes well for silver, but also means inflation is going to be starting a serious upward trend too which is terrible for prices and hence our standards of living and buying power.

But this next two weeks might be the best time to get your commodities cheap(including food for storage), silver and anything else that'll hold it's value in an inflationary environment.

It should be noted that this turn in inflation is only the beginning of a VERY LONG TREND of several years so there's not a huge rush to make these moves, but it does look like it's time to sharpen your vigilance and start making plans as to where you might want to put money that'll hold it's value and it wouldn't hurt if it's a tradeable silver, and, in the event that things get REALLY BAD, even packages of food will be of great value in a worst case scenario.

Other things might include guns and bullets, and even survival gear/tools, not that I think we're anywhere remotely near that stage, at least at this point.

Sorry about not getting back sooner...I worked all day yesterday, came n for a rest and fell asleep until the wee hours.

Going to check what happened to NTRI this morning now. I'm going to keep an eye on it from now on.

PS: Last night I looked at the fundamentals and there's a 53% short position against it! It'll probably get a lot cheaper before it gets better, but it'll have a higher yield too...if it survives that is.

If you have any questions about the food from Nutrisystems let me know.

If this


10/23/08 10:02 AM

#1203 RE: starboy #1198

RE: silver/dollar

NO sooner did I get done posting that last message than a major professional goldbug was on CNBC talking about how the dollar is almost ready to go into freefall.

And after some of the cheerleaders began to disagree Santelli bursts into the conversation and says "Wait a minute! I agree with XXXXXXXX. The rising dollar is only a function of the Euro and other currencies readjusting. When that's done the dollar will begin to fall". He gave a bunch of technical reasons after that all of which I can't remember, but it had a lot to do with foreigner ceasing to buy our dollars and finance our debt any more.

That sounds eerily like your "US sovereignty rating being downgraded" argument!

I think we're on the right track here bud. It's coming, and it sounds like it's coming pretty damned soon too.

ON a side note, Greenspan, John Snow and Christopher Cox are about to get grilled by congress. This should be VERY INTERESTING!

McGRANDPA's choice of Palin for VP was irresponsible, dangerous and an insult to Americans. By that choice and his continuing evil he's proving he'll do anything to win this election even to the point of endangering his own country. DEFEAT HIM!


10/23/08 10:16 AM

#1204 RE: starboy #1198

One other important thing I heard an intelligent person say yesterday.

Steve Liesman said "Right now there's 2 kinds of hedgefunds. Those forced to sell because of redemptions, and those that WILL BE selling because of redemptions."

I'm expecting the bottom to fall out VERY SOON, and it'll come most likely when the Dow breaks the last bottom close just over 8000 on that day when the intraday low was around 7750ish.

That will, IMO, be the final CAPITULATION SELLOFF and will signal not only the NEARING OF THE BOTTOM(no big immediate rebound however) in the market but also the turn in the silver/dollar/inflation scenario that we've been talking about and when we want to get more aggressive in our buying of silver.

I'm going to have as much dry powder on hand in the next 1-2 weeks as I possibly can and watch/listen carefully for the signals of the BIG TURN that appears to be coming soon.

On the monthly chart I saw, the turn looked sharper than it will on a weekly or daily chart, so I expect to have plenty of time to make the move when it comes, and it'll almost certainly be a tentative and somewhat 'bumpy' turn at least as it'll appear on a daily/weekly chart while folks get more comfortable with the idea.

McGRANDPA's choice of Palin for VP was irresponsible, dangerous and an insult to Americans. By that choice and his continuing evil he's proving he'll do anything to win this election even to the point of endangering his own country. DEFEAT HIM!


10/23/08 1:32 PM

#1205 RE: starboy #1198

Nutrisystems delivery is free/included in the price. And a months worth is about $260 bucks I believe.

And now they even have an introductory deal where you can get an extra 3 weeks worth for free. Not sure what the terms would be for that though. Probably have to sign up for minimum term or something.

Pretty cheap for a ready made, pre-packaged long term storage, balanced diet emergency food stash.