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10/12/08 6:54 AM

#377025 RE: teapeebubbles #377016

Here's a new ploy: Investor's Business Daily, the house organ of the Neocons, is now claiming that the financial markets have sold off due to fears about an Obama presidency.
Fox News has picked this up and is running with it, along with Huckabee claiming that "terrorists" might behind the stock market selloff. No surprise there. What they will never say, however, is that historically U.S. financial markets have performed better under Democratic presidents than Republican presidents. This has been documented in detail in the Stock Trader’s Almanac, among other places.

Naomi Klein nails all of this in "The Shock Doctrine, The Rise of Disaster Capitalism". A great book.
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10/12/08 8:46 AM

#377028 RE: teapeebubbles #377016

looks like the lead is building