>Do you like CYGX management?
Yes, overall:
1) they still exist (times were WORSE financially a few years ago)
2) they continue to form new alliances/relationships with leading researchers in their field
3) they are communicating the "cygx story" thru a variety of means (radio, conferences, internet, etc)
I wish they could get real financing, and wish they would make the stock price go to $100 right now. However, I've waited 5 years so far, and am quite excited about the next 5 years of CYGX ownership.
I feel it is quite likely that CYGX will make my wife and I financially independent someday. Once a story appears in some form of national media (tv, major newspaper) about cygx and a potential "cure for cancer/aids/sepsis/whatever" we could get a huge price spike.