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10/11/08 1:52 AM

#6888 RE: al44 #6883

Mauldin is a good writer, and thinker. I can't say I disagree with him on many issues. We will make it through this, because we have to. There is no other option. He still, however, appears to be skirting the issue.

We have gotten ourselves into this issue because things have been operating in a certain way. And it has been the WRONG way. How is it going to change and what are Americans going to do to influence the change?

We have become complacent. Dissent is how this country was born and developed. That is why we are America. Right now, there is an extreme need for congruent dissent. But we don't have a leader. We don't have a leader. The fool that has been running this nation for the past 8 years should have been teaching grade school. You can be a good person but that doesn't mean you will make a good leader. Why was he elected?

Okay, I did it again. . .does anyone know where my focus is at? You all have very good points. Please, everyone, lets find a good leader. I'm sick of this political crap of one party battling another. I am of firm belief that neither McCain nor Obama can halt this destruction. And I know George Bush can't. What an idiot. We wouldn't be here doing what we are doing right now if he could have. And please, I don't want to hear any more about the Clintons. Hillary would have been good, but she's hammered. We need new blood. We definitely do not need Barrack Obama. I like him, he's smart, but he cannot lead this animal out of the forest. John McCain is a joke. I do like Palin, though. Despite the fact that the press wants to hammer her for everything in the world (just imagine if your life were put on the pedastal with a bunch of ill-informed assholes that never took a fragment of a moment to understand your life and what you have gone through).

Oh boy. The ole mind is rolling, tonight. How are we going to get out of this? Keep the ideas rolling.
