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10/09/08 10:19 PM

#149401 RE: JPetroInc #149400

Management giving YAGI rights ....

.... to something in excess of 25,000,000,000 shares at current share prices is a bit harsh , even coming from the succession of clowns who have been running the show at NEOM.

Playing games with the par value of the stock to benefit everyone but common shareholders is a bit harsh , even coming from the dictates of YAGI.

Whether or not I attend the AGM has nothing to do with this stock or this 'company' who remains public only to milk the system out of as much salary and perquisites as possible for as long as possible. The last time I went to NEOM HQ I could barely see through the smoke they were blowing. Gee , I wonder if it would be any different a second time? If it's convenient I'll go for fun just to see what happy nonsense the new guy will try to foist off on the attendees.

Regardless , I'll be voting my shares 'no' and I suggest everyone else do the same , if for no other reason than to force YAGI to vote their un-filed ownership of this company ... again. Their arrogance will most likely not go unrewarded lol.



10/09/08 10:31 PM

#149402 RE: JPetroInc #149400

I don't disagree with jonesie one bit-

we have been told one thing-
then shown another.

bait and switch is unethical at the very least...
if we're talking fiduciary duty to ALL shareholders, then I would for one hold the company legally liable as well.

I still cannot fathom why YA would want a r/s, as subpenny flipping seems to be a skill they have perfected- not just here, but, if you look at their 'clients', with many other similar companies.

perhaps we've fooled ourselves that THIS one really has potential!
but reality dictates we're pawns to the deeeeeep pockets of yet another vulture capital group that prey's on the starry-eyed optimism of folks like us.

maybe there really isn't much to this par lowering event...
maybe Steinborn was honest as well as earnest during the 75, er, 5 minute 'CC' where he reiterated the value of the shareholders here, and to be patient, even thought they (neom) know it's tough and frustrating...
maybe this is just legalese for allowing YA to continue to flip- someone noticed that they may be in violation of SEC rules by allowing such financing/flipping to occur and they are just dotting the 'i's....
maybe that is just more optimism and we're hosed.

regardless, if premeditated, or worse, directed by a larger shareholder, then jail is a far more lenient penalty than I would settle for---
line-up Chaz and YA and Lehman-type CEO's and make them take second, third and fourth jobs to compensate for the lost college funds, family savings, quality time with kids interrupted by internal worry and consternation that we suffer merely because we've tried to improve our own quality of life and trusted, researched, phones, emailed, believed and bought into their snake-oil sales pitch of value and shareholder well-being.
then send 'em to jail.. or to the gallows... or to hell for all I care.

I hold no ill-will toward Iain... though he appears more and more like a YA implant, looking out for YA... he was certainly chosen by them, but at least has a background consistent with the industry.
He must know, through our calls, emails, voices and votes, that we, like Albert Finney in "Network" are 'mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore', and that our patience is waning... and our demure nature to take second place to the financial resources of YA is changing and not be underestimated or take advantage of.

oooh, now I'm riled.
time for a Stella Artois.