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06/07/04 10:26 PM

#11481 RE: makingMILs #11480

MakingMil's; No one can predict what the QBID share price will be next month, no less what it might be Next year.
But I will try and make a guess, First off our Q-Channel must of course Launch Nation wide on many Major Cable Networks, not just one, then BIG Advertisers would have to sign on with QBID then, Nation Wide Advertsing campaign would have to kick in so 20-30 Million gays will finally find out about this Gay Channel, since most Gays in the U.S. up to now, do not even know that this Gay Q-Channel even EXISTS, no less how can they start to subscribe to it. and investors would want to hear of Revenues comming into QBID, Last but not least we shareholders will also want to hear frank start that Share Buy back program he promised will start in Oct, he said something like 51% of the float will be bought back starting in Oct. >> Now IF???????????? I say IF???????? Frank can do 90% of the above, I say by next year look for .50 to $1.00 a share with No Problem what so ever. might even be much more then that, BUT who Knows ???
This Q-Channel since it will be the very First in the nation Public Shareholder own Gay channel just might fool us all and shoot up to the Stars like a NEW IPO, if that happens and Millions of Strights as well as of course Gays will want to Buy Into this Gold Mine, then look for $3.00 a share or even more like SIRI-Radio did when they first went IPO in 1995. the above is IMO only and I could be totally Wrong, But I bet .50 cents to $1.00 is a real possibility in 6-Months or less, NOT Years. IMO
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06/07/04 10:40 PM

#11482 RE: makingMILs #11480

many things have to go well for this stock to move upward. A timely launch with Quality programming is paramount. Any delay would be hard to swallow at this point. I believe they are on track but we can only wait and see. Their stated time lines create (self imposed) pressure that they must handle ( as has been related in earlier posts to an alchoholic etc... going public). They force themselves into living up to their own promises. If they live up to our expectations and provide the subscriber with Quality programming, be them gay or whatever, then the sky is the limit. Charts, at this point, don't mean much for the long holder. Quality programming offered in July means everything.
Frank says that the channel will cost 6$ a month. Someone said that that may be subject to the carrier but lets go with 6$. The web site is guessing 40 mil potential subscribers. Lets go with 10 mil. 60,000,000 a month is great money for our penny stock. That kind of revenue will move the pps way up. throw in the buy back to shrink the float and again sky's the limit.