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10/13/08 10:32 AM

#100 RE: marketologist #96

"given the right promotion and exposure Gulf Ethanol has a chance to be in the lime light IMO"

That of course, is ridiculous to make such a statement. The Company is a self described "developmental" company, with management having little to no experience in the industry, a penchant for spewing out dozens of press releases promising "letters of intents", "engagements" with other companies, "intentions" of buying ethanol plants, opening up offices, and touting on their website that they have seasoned business history of buying, trading, and producing ethanol, when it is clear from their own financials, that they have never done any of the above.

Even if they actually get to the point of jointly developing a preprocessing unit, the company has no financial wherewithall, no employees, and no experience in marketing such a product. Notwithstanding these small obstacles, the stated agreement with Vortex Ventures is to simply be a distributor/servicer of the product - the financial arrangements for profit on such venture are non-disclosed, but certainly GFET has no such servicing staff to actually support such an operation.

The whole fascade of such a venture is just laughable on its face.

In the alternative, if your comments are to suggest this would be a good stock play due to the illusion of having a real company, I believe they already tried that game back in July 2007 when they hired Chet Gutowski as an independent analyst to pump this dog. What they failed to mention in their disclosure was that Chet is part owner of (GFET major shareholder, Jonathan Gilchrist's companies: ), Goldbridge Capital and Southfield Energy, both located in the same office suite as GFET.

This whole company reeks of deceit in my opinion.