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10/04/08 11:26 PM

#16575 RE: HALF FULL GLASS #16574

The rapid test demonstrated better performance than CA-125. Bottomline.
Dr Moro acknowledged the bashing. Let's call a spade a spade.
This site is now for entertaiment purposes. No investment decisions should be based on OPINIONS from anyone on this board. They are opinions only. Beware.
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Gold Seeker

10/04/08 11:47 PM

#16577 RE: HALF FULL GLASS #16574

Half, you took my comment out of context about the saliva test and then you went into left field and began quoting from 2007 ISOBM point of care presentation. Now that you mentioned that, I did fail to mention the point of care test in the achievements but it has now been well over a year since that study was done and a year since the presentation. Why does the company not have a license for the product? It is sitting there with Histo-RECAF doing nothing. If it has value, partner the test. He has shown us the test. He has demonstrated it to visitors at the company. Why is it not partnered? Does anyone want it? You tell all of us why it is not partnered.