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10/03/08 7:40 PM

#13526 RE: RCKS #13525

RCKS: I am going to try to find the time to take an in-depth look at the overall equity market this weekend and do a website update. Clearly, Eli left post haste to take his profits and run from Paulson, Cox, Bernanke and crew.

It goes without saying, I was wrong regarding my "significant low being in" call. However in all fairness to myself, I was not expecting such a grand money grab by the Money Changers. I am indeed sad, as they apparently feel they can now prosecute their evil practice in front of our citizenry brazenly in the light of day and still get by with it and obviously so.

That says volumes about our political leaders and it say volumes about our media (all either in bed with the Money Changers or too stupid to see what is happening right in front of them). And, it says volumes about our Nation's citizenry in general (cattle that stampede in the general direction desired when ever a pistol is shot into the air)...sigh!

At first blush, while we may see a bounce, I doubt the decline is over nor the amount of debt that is still to be laid upon the shoulders of those that actually pay our Nation's bills regarding this criminal transfer of toxic debt onto the backs of our Nation's tax payers.

I pray for God to help our Nation, as it needs his guiding hand as much if not more than ever before, because evil is among us and it is not wearing an enemy uniform...



10/06/08 11:29 AM

#13527 RE: RCKS #13525

RCKS: No time this weekend...

CNBS last week was selling the bailout and pointing out the Trillion dollar plus decline after last Monday's no vote in the House. Well they got the bailout passed and signed in to law Friday, and now this week the market is well below last Monday's low and another Trillion dollars lopped off the market and not one word about that.

Now the CNBS "All Stars" are just babbling about no trust in the markets. It is like the 850 Billion dollars just went down a black surprise there.

(Not addressed at you RCKS) What do all you f'ing idiots that supported the 850 Billion Dollar bailout say now?