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Gold Seeker

10/03/08 8:57 AM

#16461 RE: opportunityknocking #16457

Opportunity states: "Stating that a broad spectrum cancer marker is a negative thing is akin to stating that using a thermometer is not good because if you have a fever it does not tell you where the infection is."

Raising the body temperature is a method of the body to fight infection or it can be an indication the body has lost control of temperature regulation. The latter is very dangerous and shows a definite use of a thermometer.

As far as detecting where an infection is located, a thermometer is totally useless and for that, Dr. Moro is correct. However in the case of bacerial infection, you do not NEED to find the location. You just treat the infection with a systemic antibiotic.

If you actually needed to find the location of the infection to treat it, would a thermometer do you any good? The answer is not only no but HELL no. Fortunately, we have systemic antibiotics that work for infection. We DO NOT currently have any systemic drugs that only kill cancer cells so the comparison of a thermometer to a universal cancer marker is total BS.

I am rather busy today so I will answer the other questions later.