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Lawrence 147

10/01/08 1:21 PM

#28539 RE: NUBV #28538


As I have mentioned, I have rules to trade by. One of them is a limited amount of time that I am in. I try and get in just before the push and get out and move on. I have given this one far more time than I should have. The money has got to keep moving and working. Right now I realize all most all of my stocks have been on sabbatical and this is not the only one. I am not claiming fraud or any thing else. I don’t even care if it is, if I make money, fantastic if I don’t I move on. Even if I loose all that I have in FFGO I am still up double what I will loose. No hard feeling there, I made money and that is what counts not that it is a scam, because I don’t care. NUBV has stalled on if and me I can get out for the cost of a transaction then I am ahead of the game. If I wait for the 2s then there is no guarantee my shares will be the ones to sell. That is the way I play the game. I limit my investment in all of the stocks I play and they flip or I move on. I do hope every one makes a bunch on this one some day, it’s just time for me to get things moving. Those shares are sill up.