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04/09/02 6:41 PM

#409 RE: SRT8 #399

BB/BB - I took a look at the site you mentioned and here is my two cents.

First off I see them as the opposite of us.

Their product creates microorganisms which are designed to “eat” waste. Having a septic system myself I know about such things. LOL

Anyway the object of their product as I see it; it is designed to breakdown solid waste in a septic system by having little bugs eat the poop.

” The BioWorld Augmentation consists of specially selected strains of microorganisms know to degrade most wastes that would be in a home septic system.”

BioShield is designed to kill the little critters. My doctor once told me this about a sore throat. Don’t use the Listerine stuff – it kills the good guys that are fighting the bad guys as well. Gargle with salt water. Well this is similar. You wouldn’t want to flush BioShield down the toilet as it would kill the good micros that eat the solid waste. Now you can just get the septic system pumped and the heck with trying to breakdown the solid waste. However, for long term health of a septic system it is preferable to maintain the leeching bed/field by having the solid waste broken down.

Hum – my wife just called me for dinner and this conversation is sort of depressing my appetite.

Sorry it took me so long to respond, just been very busy with business travel and the wife’s operation. Of course, not sure what you expected for a response as all you did was ask what “we” thought about the site.

Take care,