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09/30/08 7:26 PM

#227 RE: Gerry321 #226

Hydrogen versus petrol
Miles to the ??? put into perspective.
Gerry, would you be so kind as to do a small calculation for the benefit of potential American investors also.
If the school run is 2 miles going and 2 coming back in the morning and the same for the afternoon what would the costs incurred be if one has a HRU.
An Example with petrol at £1.11 a litre is in the region of £1.60 to £2 or $3 to $4 respectively a day depending on driving style and traffic totalling a minimum of £10/$20 a week bearing in mind this is just a school run, this works out to be 40 miles per week.
Obviously each family would be different but could probably be worked out from this scenario.
Now we know that the ford focus will travel 25 miles on a single charge of hydrogen, so my question is how much would it cost to power the HRU to give the tank that charge?
One thing is for sure not £10/20$ per week.
Your answer may put things a little bit more in perspective whilst maintaing a clear and concise explanation.


10/01/08 4:25 PM

#229 RE: Gerry321 #226

There is so much backed up breakthrough news on a number of fronts at ITM , that I wonder when the pressure will just blow the lid off how far the Dark HorseITM has slipped the herd.. The news that Marcus Newborough took the HRU to the states agaist two thoroughbreds from the herd is franking the confidence exuded by Jim Teathcote in the Radio interview with BBC radio4. Thanks for finding that piece Gerry.