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06/04/04 12:49 PM

#2136 RE: bobsnook66 #2135

Bobsnook.......thank you very much..!eom


06/04/04 1:36 PM

#2140 RE: bobsnook66 #2135

Bobsnook - Thanks for catching in the bud the beginning of an old problem. Appreciate having a moderator. Another problem with bashers is that it wastes lots of time as well as dampens the spirits of serious investors.

Appreciate what I found her on IHub--as well as your effort to keep it that way. Waitedg


06/04/04 2:11 PM

#2141 RE: bobsnook66 #2135

OT: Bob,

It's rather obvious that cantstandsya is dollarland and got2belucky is aussie and their only reason in being on this forum is to present their same old tired diatribe. TRCPA is quite the gentleman, and responds to their posts very nicely, treating them as he would like to be treated, only to receive ridicule in return. Neither 'cant' or 'got' are looking for serious answers, for they will question, doubt, twist and put down any response they receive. Ce la vie.



06/04/04 2:23 PM

#2142 RE: bobsnook66 #2135

Bobsnook66. I would expect the position that your in to handle such situation as you have with cantstandsya to be handled properly in a private mail. Not on the board where you can be cheered on by the catcalls of selected followers.

Now lets go over your post and the accuracy of it, or inaccuracy.

First, where is the personal attack which you speak of? I have gone over all of his 6 posts and have found none. And, there are no missing posts since he started posting.

His 1st post (2103) he asked a valid question. Of course if it's not one certain members on the board like, then it's not allowed. It's bashing. No diverse opinions please. He was against management and their salaries. And, as an investor, aren't you?

The 2nd (2108) Reiterated his position against management and their salaries. He didn't accept another poster's point. Again, that's not allowed? And, their was no personal attack in there.

His 3rd (2121) was in response to TRCPA. A pure difference of opinion. Again no personal attacks. The theme was again about management and salaries. And, good points. Kindly take note as an investor that one point has yet to be proven wrong. And, telling someone that their response was "circular logic" isn't a personal attack. That stretching it to try to hang someone.

The 4th (2126). Was addressed to you, tech and Tr. AGAIN, no personal attacks. It's obvious from his posts that he is not getting either an answer or all he's getting is brow beating. Some of the responses don't make sense to him. What's wrong with that? Or, when you're involved is a poster not allowed to voice such an opinion?

The 5th was to me and the reason for your sarcastic and unwarranted inclusion of my name in your post. Again, NO PERSONAL ATTACK. He has valid concerns that you and others don't see. So what? Again, what's wrong with it? He voices his concern about management. Isn't that allowed ion an Ihub board? It certainly is on others that are moderated differently I must say.

And, finally his last post (2132). To TRCPA. AGAIN AND FINALLY, NO PERSONAL ATTACK. So where do you get, "now a personal attack of not just one but all the posters on this board i take offence to." There are no personal attacks whatsoever. Just appears to be nothing but bias against a poster that doesn't agree with the "LONGS" of this board.

Where on earth has he "...impune the moral character of all the board members..."? There is no evidence of that.

He has, "insult the moral integrity of management and give nothing but negative insulting views of the company..." But, that isn't an issue for a board moderator is it? Investors have that prerogative. It's allowed on other IHub boards, why not this one?

"...but the next time you insult the moral character of the fine people on this board you will be gone." Or do you really mean, the first time he does it?

I'm going to forward this message to Matt and, hopefully through to Meredith. And, if that doesn't work, believe me, I will get through to someone to let them know of the apparent unfounded and unnecessary bias that you have show toward this poster and, obviously I'll be next, just to get responses like you have in posts 2136 and 2140 and 2141, which by the way a board monitor should remove as it is a personal attack.

Where was you sense of human decency with Tenzzi post that Matt had to erase from this board? That was okay, as he's one of the favored longs. Neither you or Chambers saw fit to delete that one. Now there was a clear case of TOS abuse if there ever was one and you as a upright board monitor let it go. Yet, you go after cantstandsya's post that all put together don't come close. Did you as politely tell tenzzi, "...but the next time you insult the moral character of the fine people on this board you will be gone. " I guess the definition of "fine posters" shouldn't be argued according to social standards of acceptance.

So, I guess under such inconsistent application of the TOS, I'll be jailed or gone or whatever. However, just as you have a right to post what you believe is an outrage, I believe I also have that right.

Thank you,



06/04/04 4:48 PM

#2164 RE: bobsnook66 #2135

I thought cantstandsya brought up some very valid points. Sometimes this board will discuss the "positives" to death, but get irked very quickly on the "negatives". I'm an outsider looking in since I don't own any shares. Almost bought on the last spike to 0.11, but glad I held off. This is a typical OTC short term play only, JMO. Just the dilution, salaries, and lack of follow-thru on past "projects" are enough to stay away from a long term hold. Some excellent DD, but makes me wonder if those skills were applied to good companies a better investing success rate would be possible.
(Maybe they are being applied, but I don't think the results would be allowed to be posted here.)

Have a safe weekend!!


06/05/04 4:04 AM

#2171 RE: bobsnook66 #2135


I am a FASC shareholder and I've read the "rules" of this board stated quite clearly on the main page. With that in mind, could you please provide me with any single violation my posts supposedly committed?

Thank you in advance.