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09/27/08 7:16 AM

#3740 RE: jaybird249 #3739

Dude!!!!! The GOVT doesn't give a rat's arse about the shareholders of financial companies. Witness what happened with WaMu which, essentially, is a prepackaged BK where JPM got to cherry pick assets & left the crap assets AND liabilities in the holdco which trades ie WM. The GOVT will allow whatever deal is put to them so that they don't have to fork over $$$$. The shareholders of these companies are the last people that any of this bailout money will go to, IMHO. Depositors in these financial institutions are first & foremost & if a deal can be made to protect the depositors, well, the common shareholder be damned as they are so far down the food chain, they ain't even IN the food chain. The GOVT sees the shareholders as gamblers who took a shot...and lost...oh well...NEXT!!!

LEHMQ is nothing more than a ticker on a video screen to be played for the momos & bounces. Congrats to those that bot under .10 & sold over .35 - that's the name of the game. If you ain't selling, you ain't making money - I think I read that somewhere here &

IMHO, if you think that this BK will get reversed or that the bailout money will go to an already existing BK company to repay shareholders that lost money you are dreaming in technicolor. Why send good money after bad? That is NOT the purpose of the bailout money - the bailout is to prevent a future collapse not to repay shareholders who lost money in those companies.