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09/25/08 3:10 PM

#3600 RE: krays #3592

check ibox for more accurate o/s.


09/25/08 3:32 PM

#3607 RE: krays #3592

current outstanding is 174.7M shares
add 18 million new shares and you get 192.7M
192.7M x .018 is roughly $3.5M mkt cap

at least by the numbers I see on Yahoo and E-Trade, which are almost identical.

as for the patents, most if not all apply to business segments mothballed at present. The important MRI-safety medical device patents were sold to MDT for $11M, no royalties. The whole premise of the patent portfolio was to provide "an annuity to shareholders" as it was trumpeted, based on royalties; that was the business model. Seemed pretty good. When they sold the patents and there was no royalty component people rightfully felt burned, and the share price suffered. That, and the toxic financing debacle recently remedied.

There are big hills to climb for Biophan to become a viable company. Right now they are still beholden to financiers and cash on hand. There is no marketable technology, no products, only R&D. Myovad is an old technology (has been with different companies) that Biophan thought they had buffed up for market. It seems not many agree or there would have been milestones, a partnership or sale. Of course, there is the small problem of management credibility, and where there once was some there may not be much if any, as seen through the eyes of the medical device manufacturers. Mike Wiener coming to the rescue through a Biomed line of credit might be viewed as a negative by some.

I could go on and on... I surprised that the stock has pulled back from its lofty rise yesterday? Not at all. A significant event would be if the share price could hold above the 50-dma, perhaps stabilize on that line for a while. Given the history I think many will want to see it before believing it.