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09/23/08 5:34 PM

#11182 RE: *~1Best~* #11180

Republicans are killing themselves ~~~>> Shelby is a complete naive nut and obviously a part of the old Greenspan-Paulson gang scam which started during Clinton.

He said, "markets need to sort it out". What a nut ball tossing American wealth to a bunch of crooks without check-n-balances. The banking committee has done nothing for decades.

Bunning is just the same.
Who bought these crooks just the same as they passed the seed of the current R.E. disaster during the Clinton era.

H.y.p.o.crite ~ Senate Banking Committee ~

They are nothing but oxymoron ritual wasting money and time to go through nonsense for decades.

They have not solved or prevented any problems except going through puppet shows wasting time and money.

They are nothing but an idiotic puppet scammers.


In fact, they are a part of the grand scam.


The United States Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs has jurisdiction over matters related to: banks and banking, price controls, deposit insurance, export promotion and controls, federal monetary policy, financial aid to commerce and industry, issuance of redemption of notes, currency and coinage, public and private housing, urban development and mass transit, and government contracts.


09/24/08 9:46 AM

#11203 RE: *~1Best~* #11180

Naive Dodd, Bunning, Shelby ~~~> US Freemarket system which many American 401K is used to feed international colluded fund wolves is deceptive and defeating system for many Americans. Americans are fooled by internationally colluded funds to steal from big 401k and American wealth. International colluded fund wolves stealing American wealth using financial markets getting astronomical quick returns by moving markets targeting specific stocks.

~~~> US Financial system is venerable without strong regulations and government checks-n-balances, especially internationally colluded funds controlling markets.