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09/23/08 3:38 PM

#18055 RE: vivasoft #18054

LMAO!!! - AGAIN!!!
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the big guy

09/23/08 5:30 PM

#18057 RE: vivasoft #18054

You, my friend are the one that does not understand. The concept of vaporware and the software sales process and cycle is obviously beyond you. I will try again. I am not saying that uWink is doing any such thing. I am saying that the old website talked of certain applications that do not yet exist. Furthermore, the new website does not convey that false message. I am also saying that software companies do in fact make sales presentations that refer to future developments, the Product Roadmap. To talk about software on the drawing board is not uncommon. They just have to be careful not to misrepresent their current offerings, for fear someone may buy it on that premise and be misled. It can and does happen. I have known of several lawsuits. So I am clearly not making any such accusation about uWink, it is just that you are not understanding me.. that is unfortunate. That old website did have the smell of BS (vapor) and was quickly blocked by uWink, maybe because of all the attention it was getting on this board. It ws clearly a prototype and incomplete and inaccurate.

I have a depth of experience in the software world that you clearly lack and as such are getting all out of joint about a simple term that is common thrown around, at least was back in the heady days of the 90's when lots of companies were getting all kinds of stuff, often in the vaporware stage, ready for y2K. Whether or not it was clearly a sales presentation about future development or an ongoing sales effort, BS was BS otherwise referred to as Vaporware. In case you do not know, when two parties sit down to discuss a serious purchase of enterprise software, they throw out the marketing material like what you see on that site and get down to serious business. A seemingly small detail like (number of concurrent users - technical architecture) can become a major issue for a major customer, as can functionality, process, impact to union workers, all kinds fo things. Every detail matters. A missing piece of functionality in that discussion can be as meaningful as a missing application on that page. Same result..

Everything on the Product is very real, I realize that. It is also applicable to any restaurant whether it is in an airport or not. A phone call on the major paplications would probably land you with Mr Franchising. The QSR whatever stuff you could probably buy outright..

Happy landings.
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the big guy

09/23/08 5:30 PM

#18058 RE: vivasoft #18054

You, my friend are the one that does not understand. The concept of vaporware and the software sales process and cycle is obviously beyond you. I will try again. I am not saying that uWink is doing any such thing. I am saying that the old website talked of certain applications that do not yet exist. Furthermore, the new website does not convey that false message. I am also saying that software companies do in fact make sales presentations that refer to future developments, the Product Roadmap. To talk about sofware on the drawing board is not uncommon. They just have to be careful not to misrepresent their current offerings, for fear someone may buy it on that premise and be misled. It can and does happen. I have known of several lawsuits. So I am clearly not making any such accusation about uWink, it is just that you are not understanding me.. that is unfortunate. That old website did have the smell of BS (vapor) and was quickly blocked by uWink, maybe because of all the attention it was getting on this board. It ws clearly a prototype and incomplete and inaccurate.

I have a depth of experience in the software world that you clearly lack and as such are getting all out of joint about a simple term that is common thrown around, at least was back in the heady days of the 90's when lots of companies were getting all kinds of stuff, often in the vaporware stage, ready for y2K.

Evryhting on the Product is very real, I realize that. It is also applicable to any restaurant whether it is in an airport or not.

Happy landings.
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09/23/08 9:57 PM

#18059 RE: vivasoft #18054

Nothing on the web site while it was under its new construction phase as was removed, when it later on became finalized as (the current version). Products listed then are the Products listed now...

To first claim that None of it was of any "immediate interest", and to NOW claim that some Other products / services were removed is simply asinine and BS, and such tactics are nothing but an immature attempt to keep perpetuating previous BS, along with new BS to try to support the past BS, rather than to simply admit obvious ignorance regarding uWink POS Software and interfacing applications. – Ignorance is ok.

It’s ok to be ignorant, it does not mean stupid, however…, to Never learn from ignorance, is stupid…

“We also believe that the technology we have developed, and are continuing to develop, can be deployed more broadly in the hospitality and public-space markets including in HOTELS, CASUAL / FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS, BARS, APARTMENTS, UNIVERSITIES, STADIUMS, THEME PARKS, CASINOS, AND GOLF AND SKI RESORTS.”

To Never Grasp the technological / software aspects and full potential of uWink Solutions regarding Other Companies, THEIR places, and Interfacing with THEIR equipment… will obviously be beyond some player’s capabilities, and No amount of rationale explaining, or rationale ways of explaining, will ever educate those that will not, or cannot learn…

Shame…but it’s an acceptable and obvious fact.