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09/23/08 11:00 AM

#67293 RE: ieddyi #67290

ieddyi, we agree on one important point ...

Members of Congress in both parties:

Get your heads out of your lower intestinal tracts and do the people’s business for a change.


09/23/08 11:30 AM

#67295 RE: ieddyi #67290

I vote for "V". "U" only if the MBS are purchased at 15% of current true value. If that value is zero, oh well. Treasury should assist a unit formed by Congress to evaluate and dispose of the companies and their assets if any remain. Taxpayers must have majority equity in any company helped and total control over a executive pay and golden parachutes. If we are going to be venture capitalists let be honest about it and do it right. Would you loan even a million dollars to a company that is basically bankrupt without total control of all aspects of the company? No you would not and neither should congress. As this process flows some institutions will merger/ be sold/ or liquidated before we get to them. That is good. The Market needs the opportunity to teach a few lessons.

The crash has already taken place here, you have just not been told the true value of the markets yet. The sooner the truth is know and the weak companies are allowed to self destruct the better for the taxpayer.

Very little taxpayer money should be used here. Let the markets correct worldwide. Those hurt the most will be the wealthiest among us who many the biggest gains. The poor will always be the poor. They are used to pain and ignorance. They vote Republican every time.