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Miss Know All

09/24/08 10:50 AM

#37741 RE: Son of Jr #37697

Thankyou for asking these questions. I am getting Flak from many Investors. I have just found out about Investors Hub.
I believe I have answered you before but her goes again. My X bought 12 kits from Brittne Norman 1998 fro $210 American dollars without my permission.He never told about this until he had signed a contract. He had no business. The business was mine and he wrote cheques out without my knowledge. It never succeeded as the Fuselages were in Miami. HUndreds of thousands of dollars were wpent tranporting these Fuselages all over the worlds and I was the worker and he the hangar on. Pardin the pun. He never earned any money.He joined hands with Aero Masters with Billy Johnson who invented the one Engine plane fromthe Trislander Kits .I was conned into signing an agreement saying because Lance had embezzled 241,000 dollars from my earnings to give to the Aero Masters and they could not pay back. Then PvD and Lance Watson wanted the Patent which they never had.