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04/05/02 8:12 AM

#10924 RE: gernb1 #10919

OT: MPuls3 ...Digital Audio For The Internet Generation

Free Music or Fee Music
Obtaining music through download is a new way of acquiring and enjoying music. This form of music offers many benefits: creating personal and customized play-lists and the ability to export these play-lists to portable devices, CDs or MP3 players. These files on the Internet are mostly "free" tracks, but increasingly there will be a "fee" or subscription service with music from major artists. These "free" tracks come in the ubiquitous MP3 format, while the major artists will come in a variety of encrypted formats.

MP3 Basics
MP3 music derives its name from MPEG, layer 3, a standard used to compress audio files to roughly 1/10th of their normal track size. Thus they are much easier to manage and transfer. MP3 quality can vary and depends on the sampling rate used to convert the original track. The higher the sampling rate (normal is 128 Kbps), the better the sound obtained but the larger the file size. Indeed, high sampling tracks are similar to CD quality. The lower the sampling rate (FM quality is 44.1 Kbps) the poorer the quality, but file sizes are smaller. Audio text files, e.g. speech, can be clear at a low sampling rate; a concerto would be unintelligible at this rate and requires a minimum of 128 kbps. MP3 files may also be legitimately created for your own use from your CDs, LPs, or audiocassettes. These original music files can be "ripped" into the MP3 format.

The Next Thing
Major record companies will offer "Fee" or "Subscription"music in an encrypted format. This is like an envelope with special opening instructions. The authors or copyright holders will determine how the music can be downloaded, enjoyed and exported to portable devices. Such tracks may also be date-stamped or encoded, permitting only so many plays. Such music accords with SDMI standards (Secure Digital Music Initiative, an industry association). Portable devices, which can play such music, are "SDMI compliant". These devices can also play the regular MP3 format. There are various formats within SDMI and each music company may choose to offer a different format. (See Audio FAQ for more details)

What We Do
MPuls3 is a leading manufacturer of digital audio devices. We offer several categories of product: an MP3 accessory for cell phones, compact flash based digital audio players as well as an MP3/CD player. These players offer users of different levels of skill the opportunity to enjoy the music of their choice, in the location of their preference. All products come in complete kits.

Our Current Program
Our current_program includes standard MP3 players, fully featured with removable compact flash media. There is no memory on board and the user is able to store music on the compact flash (CF) disks and exchange music with friends and peers. This removable medium also allows the CF disks to be used in conjunction with appropriate CF digital cameras and PDAs.

In June 2002 MPuls3 will launch SyMphony3, an SDMI-compliant device that will allow the export of encrypted music to our portable player. This device will initially play the Liquid Audio format -- including the current MP3 format -- and later work with other popular formats supported by the music industry, WMA and proprietary formats. The music industry has announced that music from Billboard artists will be increasingly available from March 2002.

Note: standard MP3 players will not be able to play this 'secure music'

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SigmaTel™ D-Major™ Audio Decoder Selected for MPuls3 MP3 Player Attachment for Cellular Phones

AUSTIN, TX, September 07, 2001 - SigmaTel, a provider of digital consumer audio and wireless infrared integrated circuit (IC) solutions for the home and small business markets, announces that MPuls3 has selected the D-Major audio decoder solution to power its latest MP3 player attachment for cellular phones, MPower3.

"This design-win is a major step for SigmaTel as an emerging design leader for the portable audio marketplace. We are establishing a strong market position with products that are high in quality, low in cost and rich in features such as the MPower3 player," says Alan Hansford, vice president of marketing at SigmaTel. "The uniqueness of MPower3, with a small form factor of only 21 square cm along with its integrated power source, showcases the flexibility and features that SigmaTel's D-Major solutions deliver."

The MPower3 player contains an independent AA battery to preserve cellular phone battery life, giving the listener both more music enjoyment and cellular phone talk time. MPower3 is available in 32 MB and 64 MB models and contains a USB interface for easy upload capabilities. The incoming call feature, paired with included microphone earbuds, permits the user to toggle between MP3 audio music and cellular phone communications.

"The SigmaTel D-Major single-chip solution has enabled us to accelerate design time and incorporate the features that the portable audio and cellular phone market demands," says Randy Kemp, VP Marketing of MPuls3 LLC. "As these markets mature, having an adaptable supplier like SigmaTel who offers solutions that fit the market demands becomes increasingly important in maintaining a competitive advantage."

The MPower3 MP3 player is now available for purchase online and soon will be available at electronics retailers nationally and internationally. Visit for purchasing information. The suggested retail price for the 32 MB MPower3 is $99, where the larger capacity 64 MB model retails for $129.

Additional information on the SigmaTel D-Major line of audio decoder products is provided on the SigmaTel Web site at:

About Mpuls3:
MPuls3 is a California based company specializing in Internet audio products. Incorporated in 1999, MPuls3 offers a broad range of products in retail and OEM packaging. These products are designed with users in mind that range from the beginner to the most advanced audiophile user. The current product broadens the offering to cellular phone users. All products come in full kits with software, cables and flash memory. Accessories are also included. Technical support via email and a constantly updated FAQ on the website offers the user easy installation, use and music enjoyment. MPuls3 contact: Priya Sharma, MPuls3 LLC, For more information, visit Mpuls3's website at

About Sigma Tel:
SigmaTel, a provider of integrated circuit (IC) design, is converting the real world into a digital experience with its innovative mixed-signal solutions for the digital consumer audio and wireless infrared markets. Since its inception, SigmaTel has built a strong reputation as an innovative developer of mixed-signal ICs, by being first to market with several highly integrated designs. The privately held company, based in Austin, Texas, is committed to providing customers with high performance products along with superior customer service. For more information, visit SigmaTel's Web site at

SigmaTel™ and D-Major™ are trademarks of SigmaTel, Inc. Press Contact: NATE LONG
512 381 3913

Company Contact: ALAN HANSFORD
512 381 3716

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Symphony3 SDMI Compliant Internet Audio Device Answers Music Controversy

SAN MATEO, CA, MARCH 07, 2001 - Events of the last few months have shown the copyright concerns of all parties in the distribution of music over the Internet. As the Internet becomes a major vehicle for the music industry, the need to build copyright security has also become of paramount importance. SDMI, The Secure Digital Music Initiative, an association of the music, software, hardware and Internet security companies, was created to develop a protocol for the secure download of music and export to portable devices. Several companies have developed Digital Rights Managers (DRMs) that provide encryption and transportation technologies. Music from the leading recording companies will be encrypted and offered for download. Special software is required to decrypt music.

Symphony3 is a portable audio device designed to work with the leading DRM technology companies: Liquid Audio, Microsoft’s WMA, Intertrust, IBM and several lesser known companies. Initially, Symphony3 is designed to work with Liquid Audio’s SP3 technology. Compatibility with Microsoft’s WMA and Intertrust’s Digifiles will follow by the end of April 2001.

This new generation Internet Audio player can also play regular MP3 and WMA files. Based on the latest programmable DSP from Texas Instrument, Symphony3 has 0 MB on board and uses Compact Flash media of type II and I. Compact Flash Type I capacities range from 4 MB to 512 MB. The IBM Microdrive with capacities of 340 MB, 512 MB and 1 GB represents type II. This flash type is very commonly used by digital cameras, PDAs and some sub-notebooks. All such media is readily interchangeable between these devices increasing functionality and offering better value for money.

Symphony3 offers superior features and functionality: a large backlit LCD, 3 lines, 13 characters showing full track ID, battery status, volume and mode. A high signal to noise ratio of over 95 dB, volume controls, repeat and random play. Symphony3 ‘s design is forward compatible. By downloading a driver, new formats can be easily recognized as they are developed. Transfer of music files to the portable device is achieved through a fast USB connection. An USB micro connector on board the device allows plug 'n play ease.

Symphony3 is one of a series of portable devices in the MPuls3 range of products. Other products are the Nymph3, a standard MP3 player with compact flash removable memory and USB transfer capability. The Ampigo3 completes the trio of audio devices. It also uses compact flash media but music transfers are accomplished with a parallel port connection.

The Companio3 is a MP3 CD player. A CD-R can be burned with MP3 tracks to provide over 12 hours of playback on a single CDR disk. This device also plays regular CDs.

MPuls3 is a California company specializing in Internet audio products. Incorporated in 1999, MPuls3 offers a broad range of products in retail and OEM packaging. All products come in full kits with software, cables and compact flash memory. Accessories are also included. Technical support via email and a constantly updated FAQ on the website offers the user easy installation, use and music enjoyment.

MPuls3 products are available in Europe from local stocks.

650 212 0500 FAX: 650 212 0700

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04/05/02 10:26 AM

#10930 RE: gernb1 #10919

gernb1 or anyone else re: liquid audio
is this patent the same as our MOS? This could explain things like I river not needing us for Dataplay? I don't see any mention of multi-codec support. Any comments welcome.


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04/05/02 4:00 PM

#10936 RE: gernb1 #10919, Inc. Mails Letter to Liquid Audio Stockholders; Expresses Continuing Concern With Liquid Audio's Strategic Direction; Cites Liquid Audio's 'Ostrich Strategy'

Friday April 5, 2:32 pm Eastern Time
Press Release


NEW YORK, April 5 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ --, Inc. (Nasdaq: HITS - news) announced today that it has sent the following letter to the stockholders of Liquid Audio, Inc.

April 4, 2002

To Stockholders of Liquid Audio, Inc.

Dear Fellow Stockholder:

As you may know,, Inc. and others in our group beneficially own an aggregate of approximately 6.9% of Liquid Audio's outstanding common stock. Together we are the Company's second largest stockholder.

We have repeatedly written to, and on one occasion met with, members of the Company's management and Board of Directors to express our deep concerns regarding the Company's financial situation and strategic direction. In our correspondence, as well as the one brief meeting to which management consented, we have indicated that we do not believe that management's current plans for the Company are viable. We think it is unlikely that the Company will realize any economic value from the license agreements it is entering into or the expensive litigation it is pursuing to protect technology which it is not able to successfully exploit. In fact, based on the experience of musicmaker's own business under its prior management, we question the business model underlying all of these license agreements and fear that they will yield little or no revenue for the Company.

We are convinced that the only reasonable path to preserving what value remains for stockholders is a sale of the Company, either to us or, if a more attractive opportunity emerges, to a third party. We also believe that, in all events, it is crucial that the interests of all shareholders be adequately represented on the Company's Board of Directors at the earliest possible time.

In October 2001, we wrote to the Company to indicate our interest in pursuing a potential acquisition of Liquid Audio at a price we then anticipated could be in the range of $3.00 per share -- a premium of more than 25% over the market price at that time. Management eventually responded by rejecting out of hand what we believe was an attractive offer. Unfortunately, we believe the Company's situation has deteriorated further over the past four months.

Despite this deterioration, and the fact that the Company has lost 95% of its equity market value in the last two years while continuing to deplete cash rapidly under its current operating strategy, we believe that there is still value inherent in the Company. Accordingly, last month we wrote again to the Company to state our willingness to acquire the Company on a negotiated basis, through a merger with an appropriate acquisition entity, for a price of $2.50 per share in cash. This proposal is higher than the current market price of the Company's stock, and would provide the Company's stockholders with an immediate opportunity to realize value from their investment in the Company in excess of any presently available alternative. Once again, however, our proposal has been ignored by management.

Neither we nor any other potentially interested party can effectively pursue an acquisition proposal by, for example, making a tender offer directly to Liquid Audio's stockholders as long as management retains its so-called ``poison pill'' or shareholders' rights plan. However, assuming no further acceleration in the Company's deterioration, we are willing to commit to making a tender offer for the Company's stock if management would eliminate the ``poison pill'' and permit such an offer to proceed.

In the meantime, it is vital that the interests of all stockholders be recognized at the Board level. We have given notice, in accordance with the Company's by-laws, of stockholder nominations for directors at the Company's 2002 Annual Meeting. We have also requested that management hold that meeting as soon as possible. Last year's annual meeting was held on June 1, and the Company's by-laws require the meeting to be held on the second Tuesday of May unless the Board of Directors has set a different date. In a February 12, 2002 letter to the Board of Directors, we indicated that if management did not commit to an expeditious meeting schedule by February 22, we must take that as a sign that management will attempt to delay holding an annual meeting. From management's continued silence on the subject, we fear the worst.

We told the Company months ago that we believed time was of the essence in addressing the Company's problems. That is more true than ever now. With every passing day, the Company expends substantial additional cash, the Company's perceived value declines, and the Company's alternatives and prospects are correspondingly reduced. The time for action has come.

Management's apparent indifference to stockholders -- the real owners of the Company -- is deeply disturbing. For two successive quarterly conference calls with the investor community management has ignored prevailing business practice and refused to accept questions. Management does not return phone calls or e-mails. Management's ownership interest in the Company, meanwhile, is minimal. It is your investment and our investment as stockholders that is at risk. Where management seems to lack both the will and the economic incentive to act, then we believe all stockholders must become more involved, and be prepared to protect their own interests through participation on the Board of Directors.

We believe the Company's public stockholders risk additional substantial losses if management continues to deplete cash, at a rate of approximately $5.5 million per quarter, while refusing to either discuss serious offers to acquire the Company at a premium or consider any other potential alternative to maximize value for the Company and its stockholders. Management has adopted an ``ostrich strategy'' of sticking its head in the sand, ignoring the realities facing the Company and hoping no one will notice. We notice, and we hope other stockholders will notice as well when they focus on the facts.

In your own best interests, we urge you to make your views known to management now. If you agree with us, let them know that stockholders will not tolerate a delay in this year's crucial annual meeting. Let them know that stockholders want the opportunity to consider and accept or reject for themselves a cash offer for their shares. We understand that Mr. Kearby and the other senior officers and directors of the Company may be contacted as follows:

Gerald W. Kearby, President & Chief Executive Officer
Liquid Audio, Inc.
800 Chesapeake Drive
Redwood City, California 94063
(650) 549-2000

Robert Flynn, Senior Vice President Business Development
Liquid Audio, Inc.
800 Chesapeake Drive
Redwood City, California 94063
(650) 549-2000

Raymond A. Doig, President
EMV Partners Corporation
c/o Liquid Audio, Inc.
800 Chesapeake Drive
Redwood City, California 94063

Stephen V. Imbler, President and Chief Financial Officer
Hyperion Solutions Corporation
1344 Crossman Avenue
Sunnydale, California 94089
(408) 744-9500

Ann L. Winblad
Hummer Winblad Venture Partners
2 South Park, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, California 94109
(415) 979-9600

If you have any questions or comments, please call me at (212) 974-5701 or write to me via e-mail at

Very truly yours,

James A. Mitarotonda
President and Chief Executive Officer

Certain Information Concerning Participants

The following is a list of the names and stockholdings, if any, of persons who may be deemed to be ``participants'' in any solicitation that musicmaker may make in the future with respect to the shares of Liquid Audio. musicmaker, a Delaware corporation, beneficially owns 655,900 shares of the Company's outstanding Common Stock. Jewelcor Management, Inc., a Nevada corporation, beneficially owns 475,500 shares of the Company's outstanding Common Stock. Barington Companies Equity Partners, L.P. a Delaware limited partnership, beneficially owns 339,200 of the Company's outstanding Common Stock. Barington Companies Investors, LLC is the general partner of Barington Companies Equity Partners, L.P. James Mitarotonda is the managing member of Barington Companies Investors, LLC. Domrose Sons Partnership, a New York partnership, beneficially owns 8,000 shares of the Company's outstanding Common Stock. Each of James Mitarotonda, Mario Mitarotonda and Mike Mitarotonda is a partner in Domrose Sons Partnership. Certain others who for certain purposes have joined in the filing of a Schedule 13D with the foregoing disclaim participation in any such prospective solicitation.

If musicmaker engages in any solicitation with respect to the shares of Liquid Audio it will prepare and disseminate a proxy statement with respect to this solicitation. Shareholders should read this proxy statement if and when it becomes available because it will contain important information. Shareholders will be able to obtain copies of the proxy statement, related materials and other documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission's web site at http// without charge when these documents become available. Shareholders will also be able to obtain copies of that proxy statement and related materials without charge, when available, from, Inc. by oral or written request to:, Inc. Attention: James Mitarotonda, President and Chief Executive Officer, c/o Barington Capital Group, L.P., 888 Seventh Avenue, 17th floor, New York, New York 10019.