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09/21/08 11:30 AM

#67137 RE: sortagreen #67135

Why bother. He probably thinks Phil Gramm founded Fillmore East instead being the co-author of Gramm-Leach.
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09/21/08 11:31 AM

#67138 RE: sortagreen #67135

"How many loans are going bad where people could have afforded more reasonable products?

Stupidity in a nutshell

YOU completely deny any responsibility those people have for knowingly getting in over their heads

What evidence do you have that there was any shortage of " affordable " housing? It's simply another one of your myths.

"I know lots of people that can bang out straight ranches and capes all day long and few if any of them complain about the job not paying." Sorta makes your claim that there was only non affordable housing available, huh?

"" Financing low income housing " = subprime loans"

Affordable housing on out reality was government subsidizing housing, taking on the risk that belonged elsewhere. Your naive if you don't think that it was an economic decision- it was purely political. Just look at the big pigs feeding off the trough- Dems keeping their constituency placated. BTW how about your boy Barry near the top of the list. IT's hysterical that you've bought into his " new politics/change BS

They put pressure on the banks for " redlining- not lending in the riskiest areas ( PS that would be the low income sub prime area. Imagine the banks not feeling too secure about lending to the worst credit risks. Fanny and Freddy guaranteed the risk and at the end of the long road it ends up in a meltdown.

"You want to blame the poor slob who took the bait? Well, by all means, have at it. But if you're going to tell me the titans of the financial industry were actually duped,

Nobody was duped and nobody should be above the consequences of their actions. The poor guy " took the bait " gimme a f'n break. I don't know about you , but every time I've purchased a house the terms were very clearly mapped out. There were no surprises