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09/19/08 9:57 PM

#20712 RE: asuhowe #20711

I agree asuhowe, greed at all levels to maximize fees for the real estate agents and 1st line banks, and then maximize leverage beyond reason for the homebuyer and investment banks.

It took synchronicity to bring RD to Cor and now serendipity to let the games in the war room play out, because of the German vacation schedule.

A peek into the war room by WSJ:
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09/20/08 3:49 AM

#20721 RE: asuhowe #20711


I think there is a bit of a myth going around, especially in the media, that this is a "housing crisis" or a "mortgage crisis." That plays a small part, but not the major part, in my opinion. The fact is that those loans could and would never have been made if Freddie and Fannie weren't packaging and re-selling those mortgages in CDO's (collaterized debt obligations) and leveraging those derivatives to 70 times or more their (alleged) intrinsic worth.

Just listen to some of the hedge fund managers who shorted Freddie and Fannie talk about the balance sheets of those two companies and others. I don't understand why the SEC couldn't or wouldn't read the balance sheets as well. Or maybe they did read them and didn't choose to do anything about them.

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09/20/08 1:38 PM

#20729 RE: asuhowe #20711

Yeah, lets not make anyone accountable for their actions anymore. Let's just pass the greedy selfish acts of todays asset mongers onto the generations to come. Have you seen some of the houses and incomes these CEOs have obtained. Where exists the legislation that removes golden parachutes and liquidates these CEOs assests if they do not perform their inherent duties with the company's shareholders and employee's best interests in mind.

There would have been plenty of money from the private sector to bail out the depreciated assets of these poorly ran companies for pennies on the dollar, which is all they deserve at this point. New cash rich entites would have stepped forefront to inject cash into our ecomnomy, bailing out where necessary with huge future opportunistic upsides as their reward for doing so. Reward individuals and companies that operate within their means and properly. No, our government would rather choose to reward the greed of criminals and scam artists. This administration is setting another fine example for the youth of america. Spend excessively beyond your means as we do and leave the bill for your grandkids. This country is truly a mess.