You missed the point. It is possible BLDV is renting a plant from themselves. See my original post.
BLDV renting a plant makes sense.
I own a business. I own the office where the business is located. My business is a corporation, my building is a LLP (Limited Liability Partnership). My business pays the LLP rent, in turn, the LLP pays the mortgage. Research my corporation, you will NOT find any Real Estate owned. But I no doubt own the building.
Having 2 seperate enties makes complete sense.
It is possible BLDV is renting. I have no idea if this is the case for Moaning and BLDV, but it is possible and it does make sense.
It is possible that BLDV is renting a plant from a different entity, an entity created and owned by Moaning and its only assest is the plant. BLDV pays rent to the Real Estate Entity.
Again, I have no idea if this is true in BLDV's case, but it is possible.