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09/16/08 10:36 PM

#23752 RE: starboy #23751

I just saw a piece on the tele about it. The loan is at 11.++% interest though for a maximum of 2 years, so as to light a fire under their "assets" and get the show on the road and not dilly dally too long in the "recovery mode".

Let's see...11% on $85 Billion is....OUCH!!!

I'll bet their "assets" are already SCHMOKIN'!!!

Not too much different from the Fannie/Freddie Deal...the taxpayer will supposedly get a 10% return on that money too. Let's see if that ever really materializes.

I suppose this is all better than the alternative of letting them fail outright. I just hope they take this seriously enough to do more than McCain suggested which was to kick it down the road a few more years with yet another "911 style commission to STUDY THE PROBLEM". He's such a lame old putz.