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09/15/08 6:08 PM

#23719 RE: stratocasterca #23717

A month or so ago I had a lumberyard hand tell me they were getting swamped, and just today i had an equipment rental employee tell me things are really picking up (three of them working in the back, where there used to be one, kinda told me this wasn't bullshit). They're even breaking ground on the last remaining stretch of undeveloped land along I-95 in Palm Beach County on speculation things have about hit rock bottom.

...Massive construction boom in East Texas, with help coming from at least the neighboring states, leaving a void in the workforce locally, reducing unemployment rates regionally...

Pardon the pun, and please excuse any hint of a bad attitude, but there's a silver lining in these disasters. How many more big banks will crumble? How long before the Mississippi or New York get their long overdue speed bump? When is that island going to pop up in Steve's front yard?