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09/15/08 9:32 AM

#148685 RE: clawmann #148683

I'm not necessairly talking about the word insiders Clawmann

I clearly made the distinction between corporate officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, etc.) and the fact that they have to report their shareholding via SEC forms as opposed to other 'non-corporate officers' such as a VP of Marketing/Sales etc. The other points to these conversations are simply not worthy of further comment as IMHO, anymore time spent is unproductive.

All the Best, JP


09/15/08 9:55 PM

#148700 RE: clawmann #148683

Thank you clawmann.

So my original statement was correct, which was simply that Iain , Terry Griffin (VP of Marketing) , JJ Keil , and Christian Steinborn all could buy NeoMedia shares via a structured 10-b-5-1 plan so as to negate 'insider info' problems , and they all bear titles requiring SEC filings to be filed should they buy or sell shares in any manner at all.

Apparently this statement in which someone tried to refute the above "Additionally, TG is not a VP nor a corporate officer" is wrong on the first count and irrelevant on the other count as regards my original statements about Terry , because , as NeoMedia said , "Terry Griffin has been appointed as the Vice President of Marketing for NeoMedia Technologies" and your links take care of the rest , who cares whether she's a corp. officer or not and nobody said she was.

And , as regards "SW .... has already been replaced" , that is indeed material inside information as I said:

"That's material info. Whether or not Neomedia has hired a CFO is definitely material info. Anybody who knows that while it hasn't been released publicly is in possession of material information while flaunting FD regulations. That means the people on both sides of that conversation."

And I can't seem to find in any of my later comments where I said that a Corporate VP equates to a VP of marketing , so I don't understand why someone would try to say that I did. I was simply talking about who is a VP and who has to file if they buy or sell shares.

re: "Sieve still leaks? More nonsense." That's pretty funny when a recipient of leaks already posted that he knows something material (THE HIRING OF A CFO FOR CRYING OUT LOUD) which hasn't been publicly announced.

"90% claims being bogus? Maybe under CJ and MC's watch."

My 90% bogus claims comment obviously referred to 90% of the claims made by recipients of prior leaks and who were compelled to reiterate them via postings on this board , via telephone calls , and in private emails. I didn't mention bogus claims made under any particular watch. Just the leaked 'claims' , and the fact that 90% of the leaked claims turned out to be bogus.

I can't seem to find in my post anything about 'being p####d' or blaming anyone for anything or rehashing anything SS (Scott Shafer?) said or , hmmmm , I thought it was actually Tobin Smith who 'whistled' to sell. Why is it so difficult for some to converse logically and stick to facts and address the comments , rather than steer off into irrelevant areas? I just don't get it. This board is for discussing facts , simple facts like who is a VP and could buy and would have to file , and who is still posting material inside info before it's made public. It's really very simple. I would think someone would either address those simple statements logically or simply not respond. Responding with inaccurate statements and flat falsehoods merely wastes a lot of time and is extremely unproductive.

Thanks again for your links. I've been busy with other things and really haven't had much time to wade through any more misstatements of facts and nebulous arguments against statements which I never made.

cya tomorrow.


p.s. So , back to one of the original thought in this thread ... as to who's left within NeoMedia to buy a little stock at a ridiculously low price and thus show a little confidence in the company ... plenty are left to buy , and they are not buying. I'm not demanding that they buy , I'm simply noting that there are some "left" who could , and they're not. Please don't anyone respond unless they have logical thoughts which directly and accurately relate to those statements LOL.