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09/12/08 6:26 PM

#23701 RE: DeepBlue1 #23699

I hear you and thanks again.

Too much money has been printed and will continue to be printed in the USA in its profligate spending ways.

Debt levels, as I've been on the soapbox about for over a year now, are astronomical and simply unsustainable at the personal and governmental levels.

It's like a weight waiting to drop on someone's foot or head.

And gas is still hovering near-ish to four bucks territory. Even the recent twenty five cent drop still is a drain on those who drive out of necessity, whether truckers on diesel or the public on gasoline.

All the precious metal sites claim delayed deliveries for silver and gold coins and bars, and in some cases they simply won't take orders.

I bet China has been holding back from ramping back up industrial production after the Olympic Games to take advantage of weakening oil prices, base metals, corn, and precious metals. More and more Chinese and Indians and Arabs are buying the dip in precious metals because it's what they do when times get tough and uncertain in global economies. They buy gold and silver bars or coins or jewelery.

The Iraq/Afghan wars and bailouts are bankrupting this country, except for munitions and gun and weapon making companies, who tend to lay low and sock away profits very quietly. As do the suppliers of electronics and high tech military gear makers. Oh, don't forget the tabacco companies and their 'hooked' clientle.

We are saddled with a growing mountain of debt and deteriorating infrastructure, financial companies who got too greedy and who are folding or just holding on, and the loss of good paying jobs.

What the hell does this tell any thinking person? Buy the dollar? Don't think so...Just because we 'made it' over the last fifty plus years in this country, don't think we still can 'make it' without consequences of the above facts reverberating throughout the country from coast to coast, border to border. EOM on my own thoughts DeepBlue1.