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Replies to #8695 on NNRF Inc (NNRI)


09/12/08 12:41 PM

#8698 RE: Johnnyv #8695

Johnni - if you are going to quote me then please use the full quote to keep the dialog in context. Here is exactly what was said and I am highlighting some areas that you should have picked up on. Instead you focused only on the first line and have created a false impression of what is being communicated. (I suggest you go back to Stocktiger's post on 4425 and reread what he was saying so you better understand the dialog regarding technical analysis and trading decisions)
Posted by: scorry Date: Friday, February 08, 2008 8:31:44 PM
In reply to: stocktiger who wrote msg# 4425 Post # of 8697

ST - I fully support your position. After I saw your charts I did my own technical analysis and when I saw the story I truly believed the stock would move upwards. There were 3 triangles and each time they broke downward I couldn't believe it. Like you each time I saw the technical indicators I thought the next move would be up. I see no fault in your technical analysis - given that it can be drawn and analysed in many ways. My decisions were my own - and my choice was, and still is, to hold. But I did not buy the shares to trade, even though prudence would suggest having a stop loss in place.

All that being said, I give credence to two of Batscam's comments as to why the price has fallen, or been shorted. "There were too many people with really cheap shares, most under a dollar, that had the opportunity to short them." and "There were too many connections and similarities to the GBMR scam." No way do I think NNRI is any kind of scam, but I can see how some shorters made a connection via the GBMR product line and then believed this would follow the same "pink sheet" model. Consequently, it drew more shorters to the game.

While I can understand Bat's comments that "there were too many stories that were too good to be true." I belive those stories are true - you just have to understand the model and the cash flow timeline. People said the same thing about Google and Ebay when they started. But I can also understand that folks who are use to playing the "pink sheets" and do not understand the management or business paradigm, would think it is another puff and fluff stock that would rise unexpectedly and fall just as fast.

I have some friends who are experienced investors. And when I talked to them about the company, they love the concept and the potential. But they will not touch the stock while it is on the pink sheets. This is part of the dilema we are in.

I have my own risk tolerance and my own investing strategies. This stock is not for everyone. But I do believe in the company and the long term vision. That doesn't mean there isn't more downside risk.


09/12/08 1:19 PM

#8704 RE: Johnnyv #8695


Your chart was meaningless. Anytime there is an unfounded meteroric rise in share price, everyone knows there is going to be a pullback..What really brought it down at that 4.85 level early July was the 144s hitting the market. As those sales took place, others having bought at retail followed the down trend.

Also, there was no follow up on previous PRs to keep the sp up at that level. Had there been, ST would have been right and you would have been wrong.

So why do you keep bringing up your differences in opionion with ST? It is all past history. You were right. ST wanted the sp to stay up there but it did not happen. Scorry may have agreed with ST. So what? I read Scorry's 4430 and I find no fault in her assessment and her surprise at how far and how fast the pullback.

Instead of talking about what happened last year, why don't you tell us where the sp is going from here?????